Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1938

Washed, ironed. Billy’s [Willis] 5 yr. birthday today. Hy. Armstutz came got coop chickens old hens we shipped 24. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary over here. Oscar Goedelle was buried yesterday at Waterloo. We went out to Henry’s Billy’s birthday; had cake & cherry juice. Cleveland’s, Geodelle’s, Orlets families were present, music & singing.

Saturday, July 30, 1938

Pap got crushing done. Emil got the truck went out to Henry’s hulling sweet clover for Emil Ganley now. Bert [Bertille] went to Levi Gregsons to get Emil, there telephone doesn’t report. Cloudy all day. Smithton has home coming, parade 6:15. raffling out a lawn mower, byicile [sic – bicycle]. Ford Coach – for 25 [cents]. Went to Smithton, but parade was posponed [sic] till tomorrow on account of rain, streets would be to muddy, dance & pinic [sic] was held.

Thursday, July 28, 1938

Had spring chicken dinner. Henry came this afternoon went to meeting at Kammler’s again this afternoon. Was at Waterloo this morn. got his check $152. & brought paps along $21.75. 1937 Agr. Conservation check. Henry does pretty good by signing up. We went to Smithton to bank; went to Rennkers awhile this eve.

Wednesday, July 27, 1938

Henry & Rob. came got tractor, going to cut for Emil Ganley. Emil Brand helped went out with the Whip. got out about 10 bus. this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Nic Cortner 61 yrs. Fr. had very nice sermon; church was crowded, people had to stand in back; Pallbearers were Geo. Grossheim, Bill Karban, Ben Neff, Athur [sic – Arthur] Barthel, Wm. Probst, John Lippert. Garedener in charge of funeral. Its raining a little this eve. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up 17 [cents]. U [Uncle] Fred, Bert [Bertille] & Rob. all got cards to attend Smithton Home Coming next Sat. parade 6:15.

Tuesday, July 26, 1938

Another warm day. Henry, Robert & Grover came with tractor & combine, got out about 5 bus. seed but its green & tough so they quit; had dinner & lunch here. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Edler came on business from St. Louis to see U. [Uncle] Fred. Scheuster, the guy that married Quathammer’s girl were here, looking for money. Harm’s boy married a Quathammer girl to.

Monday, July 25, 1938

Pap is sick all day, in stomache. [sic] Bert washed, put kraut away, 15 qts. its awful warm. Martha Boll Laswell of St. Louis & friend got 11 doz. eggs here yesterday @ 19 [cents]. Emil went out to help Henry this afternoon, threshing sweet clover seed again, ain’t finished yet, he took truck along out. Orlets came this eve. brought eggs & pickles etc.

Friday, July 22, 1938

Pap went out to Henry’s all day. got 18 bus. [clover seed] out in all now. Leo Kern & Edna Braun were married yesterday at priest’s house at Red Bud; dance last nite. Joe Kern & Louis Cowell’s daughter attendants, bride wore a dark blue dress. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Emil was over. Oliver Birkner delivered chick & pig mash. A lady been selling product for orphan children to help them along. Awful hot this afternoon.

Thursday, July 21, 1938

Cut in 21 qts. cabbage; & 2 qts. 2 pts. tomatoes. Went out to Henry’s this afternoon, had supper. they got about 12 bu. clover seed out.

Wednesday, July 20, 1938

Cleaned chicken house. Pap went to Henry’s, threshing clover seed with combine, he had lunch & dinner. Bert [Bertille] canned 5 1/2 qts. beets & 1 1/2 tomatoe. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to see Armstutz’s on a visit. Henry Spalt have another baby boy, July 18. this makes 2 boys in family, born at Belleville hospital. Sieberts called there girl Delores Norma Lena Siebert born July 8; sponsor Norma Siebert; sister of Leslie Siebert.

Monday, July 18, 1938

Cloudy. We went to Red Bud to Ford Dealer & Chev. & there we got 1938 Chev. Coupe with heater & froster, 6 sets chains for $580 & old Chev. 1926 model $164.00. Black coupe pretty good trade. We canned 2 qts pickles & tomatoes; fixed garage for new car. Kleins got about 2 [cents] bu. for our onions & 50 [cents] bu. potatoes. last Thurs. at St. Louis. Bill [Klein] started working there today in store. Jac. Erle was here to Ins. [insure] car; also Ms. Becker, we insured with Becker for liability & property damage $16.65 yr. Henry & family came brought potatoes, quite a few bushels, & nice ones they got this year. Emil came over to look at the car; same as Uncle Fred’s.