Cooking catsup, canned tomatoes. made preserve baked cookies etc. Pap went to see Hy Henze. H. Brinkmann & wife were here looked at pigs yesterday eve. bought 4 – $7. a piece going to get them this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Berneice came got 4 doz. eggs take them along to Floraville for Mehrmann. Orvile Schmidt is working in Mertz store now; Hy. cooking sorghum. Oliver & Wilma Birkner had there tonsils taking out at Belleville.
Monday, Dec. 31, 1934
Baked bread, & pie. Went to Belleville, sold roosters & 13¢ eggs. 30¢. Cloudy again today. We got set dishes 8 piece each, $2.60 set. Mrs. Hy. Henze died last night; will be buried Wed. at Round Prairie cemetery. There is a New Year’s Eve party, at Pautler’s tonite, Musci [sic] by Moonlighters, from 9 till 3 o’clock. There surely was a noise, in town here this eve. at 12 o clock, ringing of bells, shooting etc.
Wednesday, May 31, 1933
We washed, ironed, Pete Watchels called there little girl Alsace, & George Lorbergs called there boy William. Ed Scheinder is making hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Marshal Schender of Smithon [sic] was here, & then him & papa went out to look at Uncle Freds horses. A man was here trying to sell electric plants. We all went out to Ed. Parker’s dance, the crowd wasn’t so large as the other time. Henry Keorber announced a dance at John Lipperts June 10 musci [sic] furnished by Riverside band. Rheinhardt played tonite. Henry Henze Sr. died between 4 & 5 o clock this evening, he has been ailing for quite awhile. Mrs. Pete Wittenauer was buried this morning at Belleville, St. Luke’s church, Green Mount cemetery.
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