Papa & Rosalia went back to Straub’s to get the heifer. There is going to be a Democrat Rally at Kammler’s Hall tonight, Judge Riess principal speaker. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came, all went, papa took care of the kids, stayed here. All the Monroe Co. candidates, were present, Judge Riess, Urban Heyl, Brand’s, Schaefer speakers, free beer was held; after the meeting. We planted our flowers. Mrs. Rennecker came got a dress pattern. We canned 6 qts pears.
Friday, April 27, 1934
Pap & Rose went to Belleville with some more hogs. Seen in the paper that Roy Cameron a farm hand, now near Belleville, but formerly worked for Ald. Rittmeyer was married to a girl near Belleville on last Mar. 15. at Carlye Ill. by Justice of Peace. Got $3.55, for hogs. 475 lb. they brought some beef along 12¢ lb. sure high, to what hogs are. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heyl stopped in. Ben took a look at the hogs; but to high price for him. Mr. Ralph Collei of Waterloo, Insurance Agent, gave us a call told us his wife Manda came back to him, & also Mark he was gone 6 mon. & in 13 states; he went to Washington, first place; the girls are going to high school in St. Louis. A man here wanted a pair socks, we gave him some old ones; he was walking from Belleville, wanted to go to Red Bud, said his feet were sweating & wanted a pair dry socks. Milton Wagner, brought the beef sack, here & invited us to his Wedding dance next Sat. in Kammlers Hall. It was in the paper that Hy. Wedel Jr. was granted a divorce from his wife Leona Mueller. Prestitzle & his wife’s case was in court, too for divorce but it is dropped. Omer Schilling birthday.
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