We all went to Red Bud church. The Hecker Priest read Ignatz Neff name off this morning, he signed the paper at Belleville, this week his kids can come back to school if they want too. Osie Neff was here looking for Uncle Fred. Today is homecoming at Floraville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then about 4:30 left for the picnic. Joe Hibbert the carpenter & his brother Frank & a cousin was here for a short visit. He was visiting Hecker friends this afternoon. This evening we drove out to Henry’s took them along & went to the basement floor dance at George Freund’s. Adm. 30¢ as enter. Rheinhardt & Skaer furnished musci [sic], 3 pieces. Papa was up at the store awhile & he also stopped at George Wagner’s, she said that her sister Lorenia Merhmann & Orlindo Skaer are getting married next Sat. Sept 26 at Floraville.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1931
Filed Under: 1931, September Tagged With: Anton, Aunt Mary, Belleville, dance, engagement, Floraville, Freund, Grooten, Hecker, Henry, Hibbert, homecoming, marriage, Mehrmann, Neff, picnic, Red_Bud, Rheinhardt, Skaer, St. Augustine Church, Uncle Fred, visitors, Wagner, wedding
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