Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, he went to Red Bud on business & paid Ins. Ass. bill $7.00 yesterday. Mr. Hill collected telephone dues. Went to Belleville this morn. got 27 [cents] for eggs. Wittenauers finished sowing wheat.
Friday, April 7, 1939
Good Friday. 28 degrees; warmer again for today. Went to church 7 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in. Pete Hoffmann of near Waterloo died at Querheim Parlor & Mrs. Glessener, Kroll’s sister, passed away to [sic]. Mr. & Mrs. Farbers were here looked at mare. Bert [Bertille] fixed doz. eggs & 9 for A. [Aunt] Mary’s. Went to Red Bud 3 o clock church. heard Fr. Ore Service on radio. Went to Waterloo to see Pete Hoffmann & Mrs. Glessner, they have 3 people laid out, being awful busy all week. Mr. Hill came collected telephone dues. Bert Thompson & family going to move on Weber Farm & Webers moving to New Athens.
Thursday, Feb. 9, 1939
Fixed gloves this morn. Henry & Leona & Billy [Willis] came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, he took sweet clover seed along; Bill [Klein] came here awhile this morn. Raining nearly all day. Kenneth Kemp got stuck by Hill’s this afternoon. Werner Kammler pulled him out with truck. Awful bad nite, windy & raining so heavy, thunder.
Monday, Jan. 16, 1939
Pap went to Frank Kleins to see his pigs, he wasn’t at home; Hill came collected telephone dues $1.70. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Steve Renneker came wants our fat hog to butcher; may be tomorrow. Pap stopped in at Leo’s this morn.
Friday, Sept. 16, 1938
Pap took 11 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 58 [cents]. brought 50 lbs. flour along. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cake & biscuits. Nice cool day. Man here wanted old underwear & things. Al Rausch is hauling coal for H.M. Hill this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Alb. Crook of Poe Station have a baby boy born in Red Bud hospital last week. Mr & Mrs. Joe Schaefer left Wed. for honey moon to Nigera Falls & going to stop at Chicago visit relatives on way back then go housekeeping in there new home, just recently built by Mr. Schaefer near E. St. Louis, he works for New York Railroad Co; at E. St. Louis. Radio is good these nites, & on day time all you hear is war, don’t know yet whats going to be.
Sunday, Feb. 20, 1938
Went to church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile after church. Steve Stiffler came on business. This afternoon Mamie & Clarence, were here, had supper here, we played pinochle all afternoon. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] this eve. Harold [last name unclear] came for news for H. M. Hill who has a cold.
Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1938
Butchered 2 hogs, 223 lb. each. Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis], Leo & Rose [Rosalia], Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, all helped. had lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper, sugar cured meat this eve. Hill was here collecting telephone dues, got meeting at Kammlers tonite, pap didn’t go, electing new officers this eve. for the new year. John Horn is pretty sick; doctor was there this morning. Eggs 23 [cents] hogs $8.40.
Friday, July 9, 1937
Had nice shower today. Waterloo paper states there were no marriage licenses there, not in Belleville & E. St. Louis since the law to have a physical ex. [exam] of both parties; in Mo. 64 licenses, were it is no law for that. Mr. Ray Paulter cashier in First National Bank & lady of St. Louis were married there July 6. in Holy Innocents Church, attended by S. I. Paulter brother & Esther McCarthy friend of the bride, going for honeymoon to Chicago & Wisconsin; will make there home in Waterloo, she was employed as cashier in St. Louis First National Bank; also the wedding of Clarence Stehl Anna Cohran of Granite City, took place in Immaul [sic] Church June 30; young couple will make there home in Granite City. Emil is appointed Admin. settle the estate of Uncle Adam on Aug. 22, it is in paper. Peter Sensel purchased the Ben Jung residence, & will move to Waterloo in near future Levi is to get married; transfer was made, also of Bruno Winkler & wf. to Arch. Wiehl & wf. & Elmer Winkler sold his residence on Morrison Ave. to Bucher manager of Monroe Service Co; & is now building a house in next lot to it; on Morrison Ave. Send Chev. Ins. of $5.60. Mr. Hill was here collected telephone dues $1. Bert painted front porch benches. Awful warm after rain. Mrs. A. Brown & daughter Marcella & Mrs. Hy. Doyle have taken over the Log Cabin, formerly run by Leo Horrel who is now at Gregsons Restaurant in Red Bud; she will have an opening dance tomorrow nite. Frank Finnerty of Waterloo has or is prop. now at Oak Grove; Nic Joseph is back at Burksville again. Leabig [?] the fisherman of Boxtown that shot Joe McCarthy was giving a hearing before Justice of Peace, bound over to Grand Jury fixed at $7,500, not being able to furnish bond was returned to Co. Jail, held on charge of intended murder; a peace warrant for $1,000 has been sworn out against the prisoner; paper says.
Thursday, April 8, 1937
Ironed curtains, patched. Roman Meng the acessor [sic] was here. Steve Rennecker brought the boards back what he got for papering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to Waterloo to Wihelm’s sale, bought flower pots, got free can paint at Hamacher’s, advertising, also got chance to win 3 articles to be raffled tonite there. Received the benefit check – $102.03. Raining & colder this eve. Literary in Public School tonite; speaking by H. Hill, Sup of Schools of Belleville. Birkners Och. & Dor. & Osc. Lippert. Eggs .20¢ today. Wheat $1.39.
Friday, Feb. 26, 1937
Went to Smithton, on business this morn, then went to Leo, pap helped saw wood, also Jake, Isd. & Chas. Mueth Joe Krebs sawed it; had dinner there, sawed about 12 loads. Pretty nice day. It was in the paper that the will of Omer’s was filed last Fri. H. M. Hill, Vic & Odillo Eichenseer as witness, Geo. Schilling executor; there was also a nice memoriam piece in paper put in by friends. Aunt Mary got her pattern that I send for last week. The late Geo. Gregson farm was sold $30. acre, Waldman of Evansville bought the farm; That is Walter & Geo & rest father place.
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