We worked the garden, & watermelon patch. Mr. Chas. Hill of Waterloo sold his house in town or rather had to sell, last Sat. to Sheriff Gauen’s son, $3500; Hill is going to built a house on wheels & leave Waterloo, going out somewhere in Mo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening. There was a little fuss up at Maniers yet last night; Mertz, R. Meng & guy Columbia.
Monday, April 30, 1934
We washed, ironed. Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he helped papa with the shed, had lunch, & supper. They had lots company yesterday, Buehler’s family, Frank Birkner’s family, Uncle Adam & Emil. Mr. Hill was here, also Joe Johns, peddler, Frederick Fritsche, Maryanna, wanted setting eggs; we have none. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz got mixing box. The fire men pumped Uncle Fritz’s [aka Uncle Fred – ed.] cistern dry, put it in the tank. Papa went over awhile to help them, some mess.
Saturday, April 14, 1934
We cooked kettle soap. Papa went out too Uncle Fred also to Waterloo on business. The baseball club is giving a dance in Waterloo barn tonight, All Buchon’s band. Mr. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby girl born, at the hospital at 3 o’clock this morning. Papa had dinner out at Uncle Freds. Robert Laut was here, wanted pap to vote for him, school election today, he is running for director. Clarence Wittenauer came to see papa about ball grounds, wether [sic] it was rented or not. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made garden up here. Ted Eichenseer came down electioneering, him & Lester Gregson are running for town clerk to be next Tues. Robert Laut 30 votes won for school director, Wm Weigand 10 votes was running against him. Thresher boss meeting at Belleville this afternoon. Planted potatoes, at the Irish road.
Friday, April 13, 1934
Mr. Ziebold, retired miller was buried at Waterloo yesterday, awful large funeral, business places were all closed. Papa hauled posts, helped Henry this afternoon to cut some logs & haul. Cleveland helped too. Berti washed Chev. Seeley worked in garden. Our baby chicks didn’t come yet. Mr. Walter Lehr brought them this evening 209 chicks @ 7½. $15.50, all. The new Hospital in Chester which has been remodeled will now be called Riverview Hospital. Mr. Martin May has sold property to Charles & Anna Hasnedle – twp. 4-9-$1500.00. The primary election turned out with the winners Chas. Wehmeier. Dem. Co. Judge & Reb. Judge Scheinder; For Sup. of Schools; Zimmer had 26 votes & Wm. Weigand received 1 vote but wasn’t running; several others ran for Supt. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gruber of Waterloo moved to the farm of Mrs. All. Gregson. Cyrus Hill & family moved to Waynesville Mo. where he has gained a position. Mrs. Steiger, Lena Birkners great grandma died this eve. about 6 o clock, will be buried Sun. afternoon 1 o clock at “Lords Corner;” she would of been 100 yrs. old in May, she was blind & couldn’t hear for a good while.
Monday, April 9, 1934
Beautiful day. We washed, ironed, disinfected the brooder house. Papa & Rose went up in the woods. Mr. Hill was here. The pallbearers for Mrs. Birkner were, George Parker, Ed Cortner, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff, William Kaiser, J. Kreher. Martha Schilling said a prayer before they left the house; no bells were tolled, being it was Sun; mass will be Wed. morning. Eggs. 13¢
Monday, March 12, 1934
We washed & ironed, Oh! my some wind, blew the cloths line in pieces; dried good. Papa hauled in hay. We all went to Conrand Myerscough’s to look at a horse that he wants to trade with the mule, but they can’t get together so far; also went to see Mr. Laurent, also by Ruma, advertised our heifers for sale. Rosalia went after the mail, send order for Aunt Mary hair color, took Mrs. Staufebiel’s pattern back, got 14¢ for eggs. Mr. Hill came for news. Rudolph got buried at Red Bud this morn. Dr. Roland Isselhartd is observing his natal anniversary at 212 S. Charles St.
Monday, March 5, 1934
Papa hauled hay. We washed. Ed Neff repaired our Whippet this morning. Papa got the mules hoofs trimed [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, went up to see Louise Birkner, she is getting along pretty good; then they & Rosalia went to Belleville to John Breutigams to see Mr. John Birkner, 78 yrs. old; his wife nee Armstutz died 5 yrs. tomorrow. Mrs. Anna Helfrich, died yesterday morning at the home of this daughter, Mr. Joe Karban of Paderborn, we’ll [sic] be buried tomorrow morning 8 o ‘clock mass there. That is Nic Helfrich’s mother & George Neff’s grandma, there boy is the only great grandchild. Mr. Hill was here for news. Mr. Valentine Berg died this morning & will be buried Wed. morning 9:30 Catholic Church here, & then to cemetery. He was making his home with Ed his son, in Blackjacks age 84 yrs.
Thursday, March 1, 1934
It is awful warm, snows nearly all melted. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stop in on there way to Red Bud, went to Dr. & Christ Buehler’s, it is his birthday. Eichenseers tried to haul a load coal in & got stuck, took it back, & put it in there shed, couldn’t get in here. Papa left this morning went in the woods, hauled out 2 logs this afternoon, the road got muddy; pap took the sleigh & mule up. We washed, dinning [sic] room & kitchen curtains. Eggs are 13¢ at Eichenseers. Hill has a piece in the paper, about Vic Braun tallest man in town, 19 yrs. old, 285 lbs. nearly 6 ft. tall.
Saturday, Feb. 17, 1934
Hauled water in the cistern. Papa went to Waterloo got out shoes repaired. The Farm Bureau had meeting all day. The bread man stopped. The P & H Lumber Co. went bankrupt, Archie Weibul, Ditenberger, Berger took it over & is now called Waterloo Lumber Co. & has nothing to do with Petri & Hill; they still are going to do contracting & building. Mrs. Louis Osterhage nee (Jehling) local contractors wife was buried Mon. afternoon, sick a week.
Monday, Feb. 5, 1934
We washed, nice day, papa went out in woods. Wrote Wm. Ganley a nice letter this morn. Pap & Rose went to the woods. A man around selling soap chips & face soap. Mr. Hill was here for news. Lucinda Eichenseer was around selling chances for quilt, have one already. Eggs are 15¢ today, top hogs $4.50. Mr. George Parrot, died Sun. buried Wed. morn, at Red Bud church & cemetery, Mrs. Joe Mauer’s father, he was 67.
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