Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched, baked pie this morning. Papa went up in the woods to get a load of gravel for our road, but he got stuck in the branch & he called for Rosalia to come up with the chevrolet & bring along the ax and the chain along. Bertille made a chicken for dinner, we had soup. Today is Melissa Wiegand’s birthday. We all went there this evening. There sure was a crowd there, lemonade, cake were the refreshments. They had a cake baked with 23 candles on. It is also Mrs. Ben Heyl’s birthday. Clevelands were there until about 10 o’clock then them & Heyls came to Wiegands. Nick Mueth furnished music, but his music broke so Gus Blackburn got his. Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up this afternoon & he went back home again. Aunt Mary was here for supper. I have seen in the paper that Dr. Eckert was fined $5 & costs for disturbing the peace, about his father. He is to have a trial today. It looks awful cloudy.
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