Cloudy, & thunder this morn. again, no threshing today again. Wittenauer stopped. Belleville has homecoming, yesterday & today. Started in threshing here this afternoon at 2 o’clock; plenty wet, Klotz’s machine is also threshing; all worked pretty late. Emil came over.
Saturday, July 2, 1938
Uncle Fred & we went to Waterloo, Uncle traded for a new 1938 Chev. Coupe – allowed $550 for his new Chev. Coupe $744. Pap went out to Henry’s combining oats, yesterday & today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to get there chev. stopped here with it when they came home. Emil was over. New Athens home coming today.
Saturday, July 24, 1937
Awful warm. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church, Bert [Bertille] got new dress & hat. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he cut lawn, had supper here & got ice cream in evening. We had chicken soup dinner & supper, that is the 5 one we ate so far. New Athens have home coming, raffling a car; but it rained all eve, stated about 8 o’clock, 6:30 was parade, Wagners went to see it. Berniece was here selling chances, on 2 quilts for firemen’s pinic [sic].
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Oliver Bell, Lee Howery & Ray Wittenauer turned there car over at Parrots corner last nite. Bell’s car, Ray was still unconisous [sic] at Red Bud hospital this morning yet. We took in the Floraville Homecoming this evening. Alois Havey came & got his radio, brought one out Sat. eve. left it tell this afternoon, couldn’t make no trade. Crook was here looked at drill, some other guys looked at the team, fellows from Mondonaville. Beautiful day.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 1935
Went to Red Bud; mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary dropped in a little while; after church; there going to have euchre in the school hall on Oct. 3. Joe Griffin & Tillie Hafley are to be married Tues. morn. 9 o clock mass here. The sisters are giving a shower Wed. evening in the school hall for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, Sodality’s invited, have to bring cake or sandwiches & present for each one; some shower. ha, – approaching marriages. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Floraville homecoming, such a crowd, all afternoon, the chicken was all gone early; lot people from the city; 7 quilts were raffled for 10¢. So many cars went by today, the Mission Rally is held at Ruma this afternoon, 2 o’clock, 2 sisters are departing for China Mission fields.
Saturday, Sept. 21, 1935
Homecoming at Belleville. We went in this afternoon to church. Free dance at Oak Grove, & Double birthday at Pautler’s. Adm. gents 25 ladies free. Moonlight Orc. Jac. Reheis birthday today. Henry & family came up this evening; fixed hair & etc.
Saturday, Sept. 7, 1935
Papa went out to Henry’s, Hempe Bros. were there wanted to buy team mares, but didn’t have the cash; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bertille went to Marrissa this afternoon to Barbecue pinic [sic] & Homecoming, had a nice program at 1 & 3 o’clock; people were strange they had supper here. All children & adults of Evansville, Prairie Du Rocher, Baldwin, & Hecker were invited over to Sportsman’s Park to see ball game, Adm. 25¢ over 17 yrs. of age, under free, they went with 3 truck loads from here Wittenauer’s, Hills & Eichenseers 25¢ ride, left at 12 & came back 6:15. Henry was up & got the hay rake.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we went along with them to Columbia to the Homecoming, had a wonderful time seen the parade, was interntained [sic] by Jimmie & Dick Radio stars, boy! they were good; danced free in afternoon. came home, ate supper, then went to Totch’s at Paderborn. Boy! what a time fish & chicken fry; free dancing day & nite Schoenborn & Schaefer playing ; & large crowd; Hillsheim & Gus Frish were there advertising, the church pinic [sic] for Wed. Goe Griffin & Tillie Hafley were published 1st time.
Sunday, Aug. 26, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Columbia to homecoming, stopped in went they came home, had supper here. Rosalia went over by Wagner’s a little while; this evening we went to Brezzy Hill, ladies free, Moonlighters playing, had a nice time.
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