We clipped old hens wings. Aunt Mary shoes from Chicago Mail Or. & were to small had to send them back today. We had beef soup dinner. We ate 3 springs already, sure good, we got 111 old hens. There is Church pinic [sic] at Dupo today, were we got chances to win a V8 Ford; but I guess we won’t win anyway. Mr. Geo. Homringhausen gets buried this afternoon. Rose & Bert went to the funeral, down to Red Bud only to Dashner’s, he looks natural awful large funeral, Pall Bearers were, 4 fellows of Waterloo, J. Schmidt, L. Zimmer, Metzer, Friederich, Schuette & guy of Red Bud; Rev. Brink had the services at the undertaker parlor, & also at Round Prairie Church & Cemetery; he was 55 yrs. old, had a copper coffin & vault. This evening there was some fellows ran around our hours, one was H. Davis of Belleville, he should of brought a boy along, that he picked up on the road, & kid got away from him, Elmer Kammler came here, he had the kids shoes, what he dropped, in alalfa [sic] field.
Tuesday, June 2, 1936
Cleaned chicken house. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo took wheat in 85¢ we got. Leona isn’t feeling so well, went to E. St. Louis this morn. to Dr. Mr. Weber of Red Bud looked at the horse, & bought it for $25.00, going to get it tomorrow. Mr. Geo. Hominghausen died last nite at the hospital, sick about 1 week, had pneummia [sic]; will be buried from Dashner’s parlor to St. Marcus Church & cemetery at Round Prairie.
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