Nice day. We went to Red Bud high mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she went to church. Nobbe & Horn, came got mare for Farbers; this eve.
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1938
Pap went out to Henrys got barrl [? – unclear], ready to butcher, brought 5 lbs. beef along @ 18 [cents]. Went to Waterloo to Horn’s sale bought $1.50 all kind of articles. Leona got 4 chairs Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all in to. Leo got card to come to surprize [sic] wedding dance of Kettler & Eitzenhoefer on Thanksgiving Day. Thurs. at Dicks Grove by New Athens.
Wednesday, July 6, 1938
Pap came to Leo’s threshing had them for lunch this morn; he got 391 bus. We stayed for dinner, washed etc. yet. John Horn came out with a Plymouth, trying to trade cars, coming again. We dug about 2 bus. potatoes. Bill [Klein] came down took 2 bus. along late to St. Louis. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. going to thresh oats tomorrow some time. Feurer threshed brought the 3rd; he threshed 204 bus. out our ground, we got 68 bus. Sure hot these days; no rain, everything drying up.
Saturday, April 2, 1938
Cold with frost. 34 this morn. Bert [Bertille] made fire in furnace again. Horn’s household goods to be sold at public auction this afternoon the house & lots were sold to Ted Eichenseer $400. last week. Mrs. Hy. Rehling of Waterloo has sale also this afternoon & Ross in Smithton to. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert went along to Smithton to sale but it was nothing, mostly implements etc; then we went to Rehling’s by 2 1/2 mile west of Foster Pond; A. [Aunt] Mary bought box shallot onions for 5 [cents], had so much things to sell. Bert [Bertille] took 10 doz. eggs to town, got 14 [cents]. Mrs. Joe Griffin passed away this afternoon, she has just been home from the hospital about week, but was feeling well; died suddenly this afternoon. It is to be pretty cold tonite, with a killing frost; lowest to be 30.
Monday, Jan. 31, 1938
It is 5 above this morn. at St. Louis. Emil came & we went out butchering at Henry’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also there; Mr. Horn 83 yrs. old was buried this afternoon from his home here, to Stehfests cemetery; we didn’t get there & didn’t see him.
Saturday, Jan. 29, 1938
Henry stopped in got crushing done. Bert [Bertille] baked cream pie. Rose [Rosalia] brought qt. milk last nite. Mr. John Horn of here died this morn. at 7 o’clock, we seen Quernheim’s come out to get him. Wm. Ganley came on business. We & Emil went out to Henry’s this afternoon. Hess & Cleveland helped yet to cut corn fodder for chop for feed; we had supper there. This eve. we went to Rob. Lauts; Rob & pap lost every game pinochle but 1; had popcorn, coffee cake, wine; seen the plans for Rob’s new house 28 x 32 its going to be. Tonite is Pres. birthday balls some places. Masquerade at Floraville.
Friday, Jan. 7, 1938
Cleaned, took tree down etc. Pap cleaned barn. A man stopped in, to find the way to Mrs. Hy Braun. Mr. John Horn is very ill at present. Ed. Cortner lost small shoats – 8.
Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1938
Butchered 2 hogs, 223 lb. each. Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis], Leo & Rose [Rosalia], Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, all helped. had lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper, sugar cured meat this eve. Hill was here collecting telephone dues, got meeting at Kammlers tonite, pap didn’t go, electing new officers this eve. for the new year. John Horn is pretty sick; doctor was there this morning. Eggs 23 [cents] hogs $8.40.
Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1937
We went to Waterloo, pap ordered an overcoat from Priper [?- unclear] $13. Bert [Bertille] went along with Wagner’s to Floraville, to Hilda Keim’s & Horn wedding dance, at Keims hall awful large crowd. girls played musci [sic].
Saturday, Oct. 23, 1937
John Braun came talking oil leasing again. Wagner kids got ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert went along to Floraville to Keim’s wedding dance of Clarence Keim & Lydia Doerr, attendants were Miss Keim & Horn boys Waterloo; such crowd received few presents; bride had blue dress. Henry & Billy [Willis] came, brought beef up. 55¢ for us & A. [Aunt] Mary he as roast & ours soup. 16 & 18¢ he sold it for; at Waterloo. Ed. Scheinader was the butcher. Pretty cold froze ice last nite.
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