Boy is it hot. Hauled 16 bus. 35 lbs. wheat to Waterloo, last of the old wheat now, got $1.16 bu; got crushing done by Horn’s; Hung the onions up in garage. Mehrmann got 8 eggs.
Friday, June 18, 1937
Uncle Fred took wheat to Waterloo she [Aunt Mary] stayed at Uncle Adams; he isn’t good at all. Pap went out Henry’s all day had dinner, helped finish his job. Was in Waterloo paper J. McDermott & Rose Korando were married at Ava by Fr. Schumacher on June 10 at 9 clock mass. she comes from near Cora was teacher in Jackson & Randolph for past several years. Jack still working at Security Hospital at Menard; wedding breakfast was at Logan Hotel Murphysboro, departed for short honeymoon were attended by cousin Grace Korando, & Chas. Irose nephew of groom; will make there home in Chester. Quite few weddings in Waterloo. Horn – Hergenroeder, attended by Al. & Walter Horn cousins of groom & Grace & Alice Axley cousins of bride & Werling & Rubemeyer. Dougherty nee Elvira Haudrich have a little baby born last week, now have two.
Thursday, June 3, 1937
Cloudy & raining a little, planted out some more tomatoe [sic] plants. Pap went to Waterloo got crushing done at Horn’s brought some varnish & paint along. Cleaned basement this morn. Went out to Henry’s, Geodelle came out to look at the house.
Saturday, Nov. 30, 1935
Papa went to Jack Dugan’s & bought a sow for $25.00. got crushing done this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up to the woods & got load rock. Ed. Meng was over awhile. Henry was here & got block & taggle, to butchered a beef soon. Horn’s funeral & in Waterloo & Dehn at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & Rose & Berti went along to Oak Grove, Adm. 10¢, he paid it, Blossom City Orch; not much to it; one at Burksville also; at Waterloo.
Friday, May 10, 1935
Beautiful day; but the ground is still terrible wet yet. We went to Belleville, Rose went to dentist & got the packing out of her tooth, all opened now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon; we planted beans. Bertil got chain letter from Mrs. Kruse of Burksville; today Mrs. Rob. Merz of Waterloo was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital & operated for appendix, same day, last week; getting along OK present; Mr. Otto Horn was here. Mr. Davis of Belleville, here look at colt & horse.
Monday, Jan. 28, 1935
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while, he hauled load wheat to Red Bud, got 90¢. Eggs 25¢ today. We went to Waterloo this afternoon, nice day. Straw baler guy was here. Otto Horn suit agent stopped again, trying to put in an order, just booked Wilfred Cortner for one.
Friday, Jan. 4, 1935
Papa hauled 2 loads wood; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Belleville. Several people Waterloo are on the sick list John Horn, has winter fever, Hy Rhan, flu & etc.
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 1934
Henry & family came, papa went along with him to Walter Millers sale by Smithon [sic]; the rest stayed here, had dinner, brought one of her dresses along to remodel. Henry came home about 1 o clock. Papa came with Uncle Fred’s. Aunt Mary & Berti went over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she took dress goods along, for her to make; Uncle went to see Armstutz’s, they had supper & watermelon here. The sale was such a crowd, like pinic [sic], had musci [sic], fellow selling medicine there. Otto Horn, was here, & Monroe Feurer to see Papa; Feurer wants to count hogs.
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