Cleaned chicken house. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo took wheat in 85¢ we got. Leona isn’t feeling so well, went to E. St. Louis this morn. to Dr. Mr. Weber of Red Bud looked at the horse, & bought it for $25.00, going to get it tomorrow. Mr. Geo. Hominghausen died last nite at the hospital, sick about 1 week, had pneummia [sic]; will be buried from Dashner’s parlor to St. Marcus Church & cemetery at Round Prairie.
Friday, May 15, 1936
Uncle Fred went in to Belleville got pap & Rose home he stood it pretty good; Lizzie Boll visited a little while here.
Thursday, May 14, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Rose, came in to hospital also Ben Heyl’s were in there. Schmidt mail carrier, called here for a prize for the euchre tonite at Red Bud given by the men, we couldn’t take it in. Sure nice weather, but no rain, drying up.
Wednesday, May 13, 1936
Bert washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home. Henry & family & Bert went in to Belleville this morning. Rose came along home, & ironed. Geo. Wagners were up to see pap at hospital tonite. Rotary Convention in Belleville these days.
Tuesday, May 12, 1936
Celestine Neff came selling chances for a quilt, to be raffled at there play. Josie Keller visited at the hospital tonite. Lester Gregson & Cora Armstutz called there this afternoon where we were there, Bert came along home, Rose stayed tonite. Henry was over at Mengs with the team, called here a while.
Sunday, May 10, 1936
Aunt Mary & Rose went to Waterloo church, stopped at Uncle Adam’s, he is pretty good; they brought some flowers along, for a bouquet to take along to hospital; Geo. Hormighausen visited pap this evening, at Belleville.
Saturday, May 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home after breakfast, coming up after dinner & going to hospital, then Bert stays & Rose comes home. Mr. Ervin Boo, Circuit Clerk of Monroe Co. at Waterloo died Mon. & buried Thurs. afternoon there age 26 yrs; he had been ailing for quiet awhile, had 1 leg taken off several yrs. back, had pneumonia, leaves his wife nee Vera Kropp, his father & 2 brothers Willis & Billy, his wife & brother been taking care of his office, ever since he was unable to. Vic Geodelle bought the Mary Lich home of West Mill St. for $2000, were he will move it in the near future.
Friday, April 24, 1936
Pap went to Red Bud; to Wm. Vogt bought a sow 165 lbs. @ 12¢ – to have pigs in a week, he delivered here. Henry came, went to Belleville & got the rest, brought Floyd home, he looks pale, hand all tied up, have to bring him back next Thurs. Mrs. Pete Matzenbacher is in the hospital at St. Louis, for cancer.
Thursday, April 23, 1936
Henry came this afternoon, Rose went along in to Belleville to stay over nite, they have to leave Floyd in there a couple of days, took 1 finger of [sic – off], & sewed the others together; left hand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he hauled rocks, she stayed here & went to Minnie also. Al. Cleveland got 82 lb. corn for seed. Pap went to Windell Rahn West of Red Bud to his sale; didn’t buy anything. Adam Braun’s have a 2 hand [ed – second hand] car chev, 1932, marron [sic].
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