Rose went out to Henry’s again this morning. The CCC Camp at Waterloo has to leave tomorrow, going to Washington. Henry went over to E. St. Louis, brought Leona along home to Geodelle’s; she can’t walk yet, hospital bill was $16.50. for 4 days. Rose & Bert went out to Henry’s this evening, he & boy’s came for supper, they they all went in to Waterloo to see mamma [Leona – ed.], stayed there all night.
Friday, Sept. 30, 1932
We made a lb. of butter again this morn, but no chance selling it. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud this afternoon to see Mr. Voss grocery store, wether [sic – whether] they buy cream, they buy it, so I guess will sell it there, 14¢ today, they are paying, take it anyday. While at Red Bud we went to see Mrs. Owen Fahey, she is pretty weak, but I guess will get along alright now the way the doctors’ say. She got operated last week on appendix, now a lump of matter formed, & they opened it up this afternoon while we were waiting. Marcella was there. Rosalia got a letter from Miss Bell asking us all to come & see her Sun. all day, so we stopped in there to & told her, we couldn’t come on Sun. Angela Eichenseer is getting along good at Belleville, she will come home by Mon. She got adenoid & tonsils & growth in mouth removed, she is in a room of 5 patients, it costs her $12 a week. Mrs. Griffin is so awful weak, she is on the same floor with Angela. I seen in the paper that we have a Dentist Schilling in town in Maniers place started last Wednesday.
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