Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Snowing a little this afternoon. Eggs here 17 [cents] at Eichenseers. Catholic congregation at Smithton have card party in Turner Hall for public tonite. Radio reported earthquake in some places, causes death of many lives, & towns destroyed today. Made ice cream this eve. Bill [Klein] came & Bert went along to Smithton to card party, had 6 points each, out of 10 games; got glass bake dish & cake plate, sure had nice prizes.
Friday, Dec. 22, 1939
Put in tree & cleaned etc. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Marita came, brought load corn; we cleaned out basement. Received Christmas greeting from Becker of Red Bud. picture & envelope from Fr. Spors. Cloudy, looks like rain.
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1939
Nice day, little cool. Washed ironed. Fried in sausage, 1 gal. cold packed 5 qts. Feruer brought load corn this afternoon, all of it now 75 bu.
Thursday, Dec. 14, 1939
Marita is still here. They are hauling hay in at home today, so just left her here; coming back tomorrow again. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cakes, washed windows. Beautiful day was 24 this morn, early. eggs came down awful Mertz paids 19 [cents]. L. Dehn got doz. here yesterday for 19 [cents].
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1939
Orlets came, fried in meat & washed, ironed. Pap & Leo made fence. Bill [Klein] came went to see several people came back for supper & Bert [Bertille] went along back with him, stopped at Geo. Cortners, ordered goose for Christmas dinner.
Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1939
Leo & Rosalia came down, brought her wash along, we washed together, & ironed patched etc. Bill [Klein] came helped put concrete posts down; Marita stayed here all nite. Jos. Braun died will be buried tomorrow morn. at Fateyville Church & Mt. Carmell cemetery at Belleville. Berrings had free coon lunch & horse peffer [hasenpfeffer?] last nite called over lines. Louis Schoenborn got tickets for wrestling match at E. St. Louis; Bill [Klein] got Bert [Bertille] & went.
Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, brought her wash along & we washed cloudy & rainy a little hung it in basement, ironed some this afternoon; had dinner & supper here, took Marita along tonite, going to Smithton to Orlets, Mr. birthday, Phyliss invited them send them a card. Rose [Rosalia] hurt her back this morn. lifting heavy. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, sold another car to Sterns. Send order to Sears for [unclear] for Leo & things. Wagners having supper 6 o’clock for guests. Thanksgiving Day. Bill came, took us along to Lester Gregsons this eve. Gregsons & Wittenauers were there, had Thanksgiving supper by them; played cards, solo & pinochle, had apples & wine.
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1939
Bert [Bertille] washed, etc. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, he & pap hauled sand from woods, with wagon & truck; had dinner & supper here, this afternoon Leo hauled 2 loads wheat – 76 [cents]. Feruer brought load corn. We lost one of our horses, bleed so bad out of mouth up in woods; died this eve; got it home; Johnsons came this eve to get it. Marita stayed here all nite, again. Chicago Mail Order came, everything O.K. but curtain not like ordered.
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1939
Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed etc. Went to Smithton got prestone put that from last year, by Bill, & got gas went to Freeburg to see Classen Lumberman. Pretty nice day. Leo Schaum 40 Cleta Stalehebers husband died at Texas & was shipped to Rock Island Ill. for burial. He formely [sic] was at Scott Field.
Friday, Nov. 17, 1939
Marita was sick last nite, vomiting & fever, they took her to Dr. Pautler’s this morn; were here all day he [Leo] & papa went in wood, to make posts for corn crib floor, had dinner & supper here. We packed things belonging to Bert [Bertille]; cleaned out cupboards; man here wanted bread. Seen in paper Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields getting married Thanksgiving Day with dance at Pautlers Hall. Archie Wihel have baby girl – makes 2 girls & 1 boy in family.
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