Washed, ironed, cleaned basement, & things from butchering. Pap hauled 2 loads wheat to Waterloo – got top – 84 [cents], good wheat, it was starting to get hot; so he hauled Bill stopped, he was at Frank Birkners was fixing pump. Mrs. Mertz was around enrolling people for Red Cross, gave her a donation of $1.00 for that purpose. Went out to Uncle Freds celebrating his birthday, Orlet family & Bill were all there for chicken supper, played cards had cake & wine; had enjoyable evening.
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1939
Washed, ironed. Eichenseer boys hauled in 2 loads coal. Pap went out on business trip this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in School Hall given by the Holy Name Society. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn euchre there, & also Millsdadt [sic] has a card party tonite, all in same nite. Cortner boys bought a new V-8 traded in 1937 chev.
Friday, Nov. 3, 1939
Cleaned chicken house, barn, cleaned house. Seen in paper, Joe Lieber who sings over radio, played on Mayor Bowes program & was awarded job to play in Chicago Theathre [sic]. Anton Helfrich won 2nd prize $6.00 in corn shocking contest last Sat. in bottoms; People by the name of Hamptons have moved into the Fristsches property last week, & children going to Hecker school.
Thursday, Nov. 2, 1939
Went to 8 o clock mass, only one in Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along with him to Waterloo on business for him. We cooked soap; cleaned smoke house, sharpened butcher knifes; baked cookies & cake. Pretty cold this eve.
Monday, Oct. 30, 1939
Rained last nite & getting colder; with light to heavy frost, radio says for tonite. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed patched, washed feathers. Pap hauled 2 loads wood with truck. Miller of Columbia here this afternoon, looking for farm. Totschs had free dance last nite had opening of new hall, made part of store into dance hall for winter months hall to cold.
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1939
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling. Marita stayed here; had beef soup dinner. Eggs 28 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. Ted Eichenseer is building double garage, he purchased a 1939 Demonstrator Chev. from Kaiser at New Athens. Hy. Bruns moved his family & household articles last Sun. to Gambach farm, were [sic] he will now start farming, there. Mrs. Fristsche has her house for rent.
Monday, Oct. 23, 1939
Washed, ironed. Mertz from Waterloo was here. Christophe & his brother were here, he paid $12.02 damage done on the Whip. in accident, we had to sign paper that we got it.
Friday, Oct. 20, 1939
Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen. Klein of Edwardsville was here looking for large white oak trees, we haven’t none. H. Wittenauer schocked 2 loads corn, 1 here & took 1 along home. Henry brought load up to. They say Cortners Lawrence they shocked 5 loads, a day 150 bu. to load; corn is very good. John Klein came bought sow & 9 pigs $55.00. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] went to dentist at Athens left Marita here; they were out at Henry’s last nite. He [Henry] took Rob & Floyd out of school, went to Public School again started today, he says going to see Fr. Aydt tonite with his boys.
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1939
Becherer & Horcher were married yesterday morn. at Coloumbia [sic]. Rosalia came we stretched curtains today. Went to New Athens this afternoon to dentist. We had chicken soup dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill [Klein] got Leo [Orlet], all came this eve. we repapered spots in kitchen. Henry brought load corn. They had there baby girl christened Joyce Elizabeth yesterday. Mrs. Adolph Klube sponsor. Mr & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich have baby girl born Sun. also.
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1939
Leo & family came Marita stayed here, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, took potatoes etc in. got 28 [cents] for eggs. had dinner here. Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen cupboards & shelves, bought suitcase for Henry’s baby girl. Marita stayed all nite.
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