There is a box social, 2 act play, turkey raffle at Public School House tonight. Adm. free, cloudy again today. Wm. Ganley paid up interest for 1934 now. Rosalia & Berti went to the dentist this afternoon; got to go again next Wed.
Friday, Aug. 3, 1934
Papa & Rosalia dug bucket potatoes. Went to to Waterloo took a load wheat in, 87¢ went to the bank. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she helped to clean dishes for pinic [sic], in the school house; had dinner, & watermelons here. Henry was here for dinner & supper, he started plowing after dinner, with tractor. Papa got the money from Hempe’s $1400.00 & he paid $1700.00 of to Uncle Fred; & $17.00 interest. Leona & kids came up to get Henry.
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1934
Joe Wcthal [sic – Wachtel], Henry Rausch, got the hog this morning. We went to Bellville [sic] sold 31 doz. eggs, some for 23¢ & 19¢, also sold meat, & sausage. Wm. Ganley came & paid $32.90 Int. but still has $95.00 & Int. on that yet till 1933 is all paid up. Our heifer with the hide brought us $28.03. Redsow 9 pigs born.
Monday, Feb. 15, 1932
Louis Dehn butchered over at Rennecker’s today; 2 hogs got them from Ben Rausch. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ettling was here & paid his interest this afternoon. Papa was up in the woods. It is raining.
Saturday, Sept. 26, 1931
Wm. Ganey was here & paid part interest $66.00 & still $59.00 due. It turned cold awful sudden today. The St. Augustine’s Church of Hecker, has pinic [sic] today, & Anhuser [sic] Busch from St. Louis is to be there with radio musci [sic] & donkeys. Miss Laurena Mehrman & Orlando Skaer are getting married at Floraville this afternoon, an a dance tonight there. We where all at Waterloo this afternoon & went to confession, we came through Red Bud home, stopped at J. Ducars, they have a team mules for sale.
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