Raining all day again. Leo Hermann of Columbia was here looked at mule. Man around we ordered Extension Magazine again $3. & took rosary as a premium. We went to Paderborn confirmation, 21 got confirmed, priests present were Fr. Aydt, Janson, Greuenwald, Waterloo assistant, Bishcoff & Toenniers. Bert stood as sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner. Eggs 20¢ at present. Mrs. Wilmer Kaiser won $1 at New Athens, why does a hen lay eggs, because, A hen lays eggs to reproduce more of her own kind. It was provided thus by nature as a means of reproduction, we got the letter from Geiger’s today, on the winners of all the quilts etc.
Tuesday, March 12, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona were up here, papered the dinning [sic] room; had dinner & supper. Leona went home did the chores, & brought the boy’s along up; stayed awhile in the evening. Mr. Janson of Waterloo, sales agent for Nobbe was here this afternoon, looked at the binder. Leona went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel brought her some material to make a spring coat for her; 4 yds. goods, & linings; pattern etc. Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mehrmanns baby girl Ethyl, was taken to the hospital at Belleville last Sat, & yesterday it died, buried this afternoon, & private funeral. No one could see it, had menertitis [sic – meningitis]; down spine in back; say it is a very catching disease; house has to be fumigated; had it in its throat also.
Friday, Nov. 11, 1932
We had the first snow this morning, & awful cold; we started the fire in the furnace this morn. The Catholic Church bell rang & tolled for the death of Louis Shoenborn, he stays by John Roth, he is a sister & brother’s, he went out hunting yesterday & didn’t come back, they had taught [sic – thought] he went to Volkman’s, they called there, & he wasn’t there, & they went to look for him found him dead in the field he will be buried on Roths lot at the Hecker cemetery & also church here. Sexton from E. St. Louis stopped & got 5 doz. egg for 27¢. The winners of the turkeys at Institute last Fri were won by Arthur Kaufman, Henry Wedel, Christ Janson, William Mueller, Peter Keim, Gus. Buettner, Robert Glessner, & Oliver Ruhl. the attendance prize turkey was won by Herman Wierschem. The O’gals motor oil given by the Monroe Service Co, as registration prize was won by Fred Henke. It was in the times today that Clarence Ohlendorf of Waterloo Ill, & Miss Luella Minmean of Hecker, surprized there friends & where married last Sat. at Edwardsville Ill; the attendants were Roy Reinhold & Pearl Haller, they left for a short honeymoon, & they will make there home in Waterloo, she is the only girl of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Minnemean & he is the only son of Mr. & Mrs. William Ohlendorf of Waterloo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pick there hogs out to butcher tomorrow.
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