Monday, Sept. 26, 1932

It is cloudy, we didn’t wash. We cleaned truck patch this afternoon. Mr. Jatho was here to see wether [sic] he could put that sugar cane pressing on our ground, then he wouldn’t have to throw it on his potatoe [sic] patch. Mr. Will Voges was here wanted to see Uncle Fred. Geo. Purtle’s was here to see about hogs this afternoon, but we weren’t here at the time. Mrs. Rennecker came over & told us about it, he is going to call up this evening. Henry & Floyd where up, he took a load of sugar cane & got whey. It made 60 lbs. they put it through right away.

Thursday, March 10, 1932

We washed & hung it down the basement, because it started snowing this morn, but turned out to be alright anyway. We finished our quilt & took it out of the frame. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon. He was up in the woods, he hurt his finger, them came back again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, then we all went to Louis Armstutz’s. Mrs. Jatho wanted to see them, she wanted to rent there house up here for her daughter Lena, from St. Louis, but they won’t rent it out. We played cards by Louis, 6 & 5 hande[d] pinochle. There was a man here yesterday Chas. Jung of Red Bud & bought 17 doz. eggs @ 9½¢, he takes them over to St. Louis & sells them.

Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1932

We went up to Belleville & sold 30 doz. eggs 23¢ & 2 for 45¢ sold all. Tonight is telephone meeting at Deueker’s. We all went. The members weren’t all present. Henry & family came up, played pinochle, they came here first & we weren’t at home, so they thought maybe we was by Louis Armstutz so they drove down a piece & turned around in front of Elmer Kammler house & got stuck, papa took the Whippet down & put the chains on & pulled him out. George Wagner & Steve, Louis Armstutz, Philip Jatho helped him.

Thursday, Dec. 3, 1931

Rosalia & Bertille went to Parkinson’s funeral. Odillo Eichenseer drove Jatho’s machine with the mourners. There where just the two daughters. It wasn’t a very large funeral. The priest went along out to the cemetery & buried him. The egg man paid 30¢ & took some saussage [sic] along with him. Joe Mueth of Belleville his home was raided, found, whiskey, beer, & wine. He is a cripple so they didn’t do much with him.

Sunday, August 16, 1931

Papa went to Smithon [sic] church this morn.  We had dinner & lunch at Uncle Fred’s here today.  Today is Robert Gregson’s first year birthday & is also Lena Mengs.  The way we heard Edgar Voges & Elva Jatho are being married at Floraville 2 o clock this afternoon & a big dance to night.  Gambach car was on fire & tires all 4 a hole cut in at 4 o’clock this morning.  Mildred was at the Freeburg home-coming, & this morn. Mrs. smelled rags burning, they looked & found the front seat of the car burning & tires all flat, but they don’t know how it happened or who did it or anything.  There was a car load of people here from New Athens they wanted to know where Ed Foster lives on the Hirst place we told them, there is a basket picnic there today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to see Henry Birkner’s, little baby boy born Aug. 7, 12 lbs. they called it Glen Clem, Mrs. Louise Birkner & Clem Parker where sponsors.  Christ Buehler’s called there little girl Iona Applonia, Oscar Birkner & wife where sponsors.  There was people here from E. St. Louis & bought 5½ lbs. springs for 24¢.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church this evening, not very many there.

Thursday, April 30, 1931

It is raining.  Lester Gregson & family took Christ Buehlers big truck & hauled Lela & Ethel Duekers school children for a trip today.  Papa went up town this afternoon.  The town officers where all at Waterloo they will meet.  Jatho, Armstutz, Huber where also in this morning.  There was a dance at Robert Laut’s last night.  Henry’s were invited, but didn’t go.  They where here this evening, Henry & Bertille went to Henry Hepp’s to get leghorn eggs, he got 205 eggs.  There still 12¢ a doz.

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1931

Leona sent a 1/2 gal. milk along with the milk driver & this afternoon Bertille baked Cream Pies.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came down this evening first before they went up to the euchre.  They brought our cabbage plants along.  There is a lot of cases of measles around now, Adam Eckert’s, Ed Cortners children all have them now.  Mrs. Threfall moved a truckload of her things out today, they are going to move up by Darmstadt, they are to be out by Thurs. or’s they have to set them out.  The Waterloo Bank has it in it’s hands.  Christ Buehler is going to move in just as soon as their out.  Today is Elvis Jatho’s birthday.

Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1930

Papa, Rosalia, Bertille all went to Belleville to sell sausage again this morning, so we did pretty good today, we sold $6.30 eggs & had calls for many more, but we didn’t have any, only 18 dozs.  We also came across Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred too, John Reheis’s, Louis Armstutz, Flossie Kammler, Alvera Jatho.  We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Rhein’s & Kamapp Piano Co. we bought a victrola from Rhein’s for $8.00 delivered to the house, 24 records, 2 package needles.  Rosalia & Bertille are baking oatmeal cookies tonight.  We met Tony Eichenseer & also Raymond Schumacher at Belleville today.  Bertille was up town twice this evening to get the papers.  The marriage licenses of Osborn Birkner & a girl from Belleville 16 years old were in the paper & also those who were present at the wedding supper.  He is the son of Pete Birkner, he is 29 yrs. old & married a girl 16.  Viola Steinheimer of Belleville.  Hy. Rausch is ill at present.

Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1930

We washed this morning & hung it in the basement.  It is awful cold.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon.  Tonight the Y.P.L. is to have their play in Kammler’s Hall, the name is “Dangerous Waters.”  It was pretty nice, the characters were: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Henry Spalt, Henry Keorber, Milton Wagner, Ralph & Clarence Rausch, Flossie Kammler, Katy Keorber, Alvera Jatho, Marcella Ettling.  Karl Boll made it thunder & lightnin’ & rain.  The reserved seats were all taken.  Henry Wiedeman & Woods furnished the music, accordion & violin.  Henry came up this evening, he is going to butcher tomorrow.

Thursday, May 22, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched & baked cookies today.  Leona, Robert, Floyd were up this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.  They got a letter today from Henry Keorber to come to a basket picnic Sunday at Rittemeyer’s woods.  Tonight there is a Public dance at Nick Schaefers barn.  There was a man at our house this afternoon, by the name of Mr. Sparks.  He sell the Wayne Feed but Papa wasn’t at home.  He was out at Henry’s with a guy from Belleville that wanted to buy a mule or the mare.  But he didn’t buy neither one.  Uncle Fred and Papa went up to the creamery this evening to see if they could get some cinders.  But they couldn’t have none right now, but maybe later on.  Aunt Mary was saying Bertha Wolf could die anytime now.  She got operated on for appendicitis and now she is awful bad sick.  They phoned and left Mrs. Jatho at Hecker.  I have noticed Edgar Herzog from New Athens and Miss Luetta Fanke of Lenzburg have their marriage license in the paper today.  He is 19 years old and she is 18 years old.  They go out playing music together.  They play the accordions.