Rose & Bert, went to Red Bud church, took Helfrichs along, then we & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary drove down to Red Bud, was going to go to Martin Fahey’s, & our machine didn’t work; so we took it to Schrieber’s garage & got oil changed generator put in for $6.25, then it got to late, so we went home. Uncle Fred & Aunt had lunch here this morn. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s cut wheat papa drove the binder. Uncle & Aunt came here, took Bertie along to Martin Fahey’s, & also his other farm; came home past Henry’s & stopped there, all had lunch. Uncle took our mule along & Aunt & Rosalie drove the car, she had supper over there; papa & Bert came home together; it got awful black & cloudy little wind & rain this evening. There was an airplane landed in Braun’s field; cause of weather. Geo. Wagners have lot of company today. Chas. birthday. Maniers have a dance tonight, musci by Jolly Six of Red Bud. Adm. 25¢. Band concert in Mascoutha [sic].
Wednesday, May 30, 1934
Memorial Day. The Hecker Y.P.L. having outing today Corveur Lake, Mo. Yesterday the children & sisters of Catholic School had there outing at Fort Chartres. Klein’s, Griffin’s, Braun’s, trucks & I. Helfrich’s car. Bert Thompson & Ed. Meng came to take a look at the barn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the school pinic [sic] in Waterloo, this afternoon, came up here this eve. went to the dance at Oak Grove, Leona brought the kids up to stay with papa, & we went along with them to Oak Grove, free dance, musci [sic] by Jolly Six, Schmidts – Oh! Boy! Crowd. Clara Wagner & the kids came over awhile this evening; Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud after chick mash. A man here bought 7 doz. eggs @ 12¢. There were niggers at Henry’s today.
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