Cold again this morn; Kahmers have sale starting at 10. Starr auctioneer again. Harms Excutioner [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & pap & Bert went to Kahmers sale, about 10:30, all day, we bought wood bar 10¢ & cook pot & flour sifter 25¢; lot of people there, things went quick. Geo. Wagner & kids were over awhile; The Gen Sen [? – unclear] man was at the sale today also. Sure cool morn & evenings. The Walkathon at Belleville is still going at 9 o’clock tonite it is 1008 hrs. for 6 couples & 1 girl; the winners to receive $1,000.
Saturday, July 11, 1936
Pap & Rose went after our heifer that got out, in Braun’s field. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Hot, it is 105 degree’s here. Philip Kahmer of Lords Corner shot himself this morn, buried Mon. afternoon. Mrs. Stella Wiskamp nee Miller died, to be buried Mon. she was in the hospital 3 mons; went pap was there. we went to see her.
Thursday, March 7, 1935
Making a star quilt out of scraps; Mrs. Phillip Kahmer of Fords Corner is getting buried this afternoon. Pretty cold weather again. Leona said she planted out cabbage plants yesterday & not very nice today for them; We got out sweet potatoes in the hot bed. Miss Lizzie Boll was the lucky one to win the quilt that was raffled at the euchre Tues. night. Joe Griffin got attendance prize. Casper Horshmann living on Barney Kaiser’s farm is awful bad sick at present; We received a letter from Alice, says raining there, flower are blooming, everything looks so nice; we sent her a letter today. Eggs 18¢, we shipped 19 hens, 123 lbs. over to St. Louis with Mertz & got 16½¢ lb; they lost 1 lb. going over, some weighed 7½-9 lbs; surely were & nice fat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came , we all went to McDermotts, to see Margaret, she sure was laid out nice, pink dress, had so many beautiful flowers & so many cards for masses to be read for her; quite a few people came to the house, it was packed. Mrs. McDermott isn’t so good. Gertie Irose is getting along fine, since she was operated. Margaret – she was so weak of blood, they even took Ruth’s blood, but it didn’t help, they checked, Hubert also, both listed good.
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