Thursday, April 29, 1937

Cleaned dining room, awful warm. Olive Laut was here, wanted duck eggs. Chas. Helfrich got load hay this afternoon; $12.70. A fellow here selling fish; we didn’t take none. Sly. Kabureck is at Belleville Hospital operation appendix getting along well; took Mrs. Joe Kaiser in Mon. to be operated appendix.

Monday, April 5, 1937

Raining all day again. Leo Hermann of Columbia was here looked at mule. Man around we ordered Extension Magazine again $3. & took rosary as a premium. We went to Paderborn confirmation, 21 got confirmed, priests present were Fr. Aydt, Janson, Greuenwald, Waterloo assistant, Bishcoff & Toenniers. Bert stood as sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner. Eggs 20¢ at present. Mrs. Wilmer Kaiser won $1 at New Athens, why does a hen lay eggs, because, A hen lays eggs to reproduce more of her own kind. It was provided thus by nature as a means of reproduction, we got the letter from Geiger’s today, on the winners of all the quilts etc.

Tuesday, March 16, 1937

Henry & Leona came left boys here & Bert went along to Belleville shopping, Le [Leona] got new hat & Bert dress; all for Easter; Boys had dinner here. Emil came awhile this afternoon, some guys looked at horses. We went to see Mrs. Buehler, Kaisers were there at the time, looks natural. Sure beautiful from the top, but oh! the mud; below is terrible. Eggs 21¢.

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1936

Cleaned house, planted out flowers & papered pots. Sure beautiful day, windy but nice and warmer. The Evangicals [sic] have euchre at Kammlers tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & they & Rose & Berti went to the euchre. Berti got cook pot. 9 points the rest got nothing. Edwin Watchel got attendance prize blanket; quilt by lotto was won by Freida Koerber again that is the 3rd one she got at Hecker, now, blanket by Mrs. Pickett, & table cloth, Josie Kaiser; not much of a crowd & not many prizes either.

Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Ben & Omer, Berti, & Levi Ganley, & Fr. Aydt. Frank Kroel attended the Murphysboro 2nd. Catholic Congress, sure nice drive, 60 miles, it was held at the Riverside Park, beautiful place, but it was so hot. Rose & Leo & some more attended at Scothfield to see the place & then went to Louis Kaiser at Trenton. All went to Floraville tonite, Arthur Metiomanus birthday dance, & what a crowd, & heat. Eichenseers brought a electric radio down to try out, for awhile; then got it again.

Sunday, Feb. 16, 1936

Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then went home, came back again this eve. for the play in the school hall, we went up to name of the play “Regiment of 2,” Lawrence Kaiser, Chas Schilling, Al Coop, Paul & Lorraine Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Bessie Parker, & Agnes, & Edith & Dorthy Klinkhardt; was good & hall was packed. Schmidts Orch. played between acts; also tap Dancing. S. Rennecker got milk. Ben Schilling was here this evening.

Sunday, Sept. 8, 1935

Went to Red Bud. Out to Uncle Fred’s dinner & supper. It rained a nice shower. Joe Griffin was annouced [sic] for 3rd time but the wedding was postponed, Mrs. Griffin is very low at present. Pete Kaiser had a head on collision car is total wreck, last Sun. at Belleville, 5 persons, were all taken to the hospital, he didn’t know nothing for 2 hrs. had a fractured skull; but is pretty good now. Holy Name Conference for men at Trenton today. We went to Paderborn to Totch’s to a free dance; & Boy! it started in to rain. Oh My!! the crowd started to leave, sure did have a crowd. Schoenborn & Schaefer played musci [sic]. Totsch’s served hot rump corn beef sandwiches. Kraemer & boys of Millsdadt, were going to fight, a constable made order, quite a few were feeling good. Geo. Mueth fell down outside, long as he was.

Saturday, Aug. 17, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s. Clarence Wittenauer’s milk truck struck Henry’s colt & knocked it in the air, is awful bad, has a big hole in shoulder; Wittenauer has insurance, & he got the veterain [sic – veterinarian] out; & bandaged it up a little. Pretty serious they say. Henry, Dick, Grover, Emil, all up making hay had dinner, 2 loads here & took 1 load home; today & last nite; he broke the wheel of, so this morning he went up to get Emil’s wagon & had the colt loose & sure it had to get hit. Casper Horschmann has sale on the Barney Kaiser farm this afternoon. Al. May auctioneer. Ivo Buehler is moving Louis Voges from Sethfest farm to Cowell place in blackjacks, from which Esthers [Estkers?] moved to the bottoms, Aaron Papbenberg moved them. Freeburg Homecoming today. Donahues has a free dance tonite. Blossom City Boys playing. We went out to Henry’s to see the colt, it eats, but still lies down.

Sunday, March 31, 1935

Went to church, colder again today, made fire in furnace again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile then went home. Frieda Buehler called, & wanted to know if they were staying in Hecker, so most probably they will be having company today. We ate our first lettuce yesterday, dinner & supper, & today again. Boy! does it taste good. We brought Agnes Krehrer along from Red Bud, she told us that they were invited to Chas. Hepp’s this afternoon. Mildred was giving a surprize [sic] shower for Melba who is to be married to a Liefer in June. There has been 40 hr. Devotion at Waterloo these days, the closing tonite. In Chicago they had snow; yesterday. There was a collision in Hecker, in front of the church, Pete Kaiser & Frank Birkner, being Kaiser’s fault, he turned on to the road when Frank was passing, no one hurt, but cars damaged, Kaiser is going to settle it all, he just has a new V8 Ford, about a week, & now wrecked; Birkner’s fenders were torned [sic] lose, in Probst’s garage now. We went to Waterloo, attended 40 hr. Devotion, the church was filled; about 12 priests present, procession of girl’s & boy’s, priests.

Thursday, March 7, 1935

Making a star quilt out of scraps; Mrs. Phillip Kahmer of Fords Corner is getting buried this afternoon. Pretty cold weather again. Leona said she planted out cabbage plants yesterday & not very nice today for them; We got out sweet potatoes in the hot bed. Miss Lizzie Boll was the lucky one to win the quilt that was raffled at the euchre Tues. night. Joe Griffin got attendance prize. Casper Horshmann living on Barney Kaiser’s farm is awful bad sick at present; We received a letter from Alice, says raining there, flower are blooming, everything looks so nice; we sent her a letter today. Eggs 18¢, we shipped 19 hens, 123 lbs. over to St. Louis with Mertz & got 16½¢ lb; they lost 1 lb. going over, some weighed 7½-9 lbs; surely were & nice fat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came , we all went to McDermotts, to see Margaret, she sure was laid out nice, pink dress, had so many beautiful flowers & so many cards for masses to be read for her; quite a few people came to the house, it was packed. Mrs. McDermott isn’t so good. Gertie Irose is getting along fine, since she was operated. Margaret – she was so weak of blood, they even took Ruth’s blood, but it didn’t help, they checked, Hubert also, both listed good.