Pap went to meeting & signed up at Kammlers this morn. this afternoon went to Waterloo church, got Berts shoes heels repaired; stopped at Henry’s both ways & still never seen the baby awake yet always sleeping. Leona is up & Mrs. Senior [Geoddel?] is going home today, they butchered a little one today. Mr Cleveland was there helping to butcher, also made sausage.
Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1939
Went to Belleville with things, all sold but 2 pumpkins. Uncle Fred working up here this morn; brought bucket of peas this afternoon she [Aunt Mary] came along up. We got 25 [cents] for eggs today. Frank Kroll’s have baby girl born Sat. eve. & Dominic Roth girl Sun. at Belleville Hospital. Reports are that Aaron Papenberg is going to build a house, on Kessler’s ground next to Kammler. Hy. Fereuer brought the 3rd of potatoes this eve. 15 bus. The war business is still going strong. Warsaw is nearly cleaned out, paper says, half burning, churches were bombed Sun. during services.
Friday, Aug. 25, 1939
Rained heavy last nite & morn. at 5:30 had terrible storm in St. Louis, Chouteau Ave. water 7 ft. deep on streets, women was rescued on top of Automobile, police man went down streets on boats rescued people from there homes, hail, windows were broke trees down, automobile vanished, heavy storm for over 30 min. reported on radio; Ohio, Vandenter [sic – Vandeventer], Grand & Lindell Bolv. Canned 6 qts peaches; beans, washed this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Anita Kammler was here with punch board for winning name to win, house coat or shirt & tie. Bert [Bertille] paid 19 [cents].
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939
Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts
Wednesday, June 28, 1939
Nice day. cloudy & little rain this afternoon. Ed Helfrich & Leona Horcher are being married at Columbia today, wedding dance at Pautler’s tonite. Wm Braun was here, signing oil leases for another 3 mons $1. Pap signed again. cut lawn, cut in 16 qts. kraut this morn. Pap went to meeting at Kammlers. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] was here this eve. Leo’s they had heavy rain.
Sunday, June 11, 1939
Went to mass. Celebrate feast of Corpus Christi. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; her & Bert [Bertille] went to Minnie Staufenbiels to get her dress, its all finished now. Leo & family came for dinner, he went to church here. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, getting his new V.8 Ford this week. coach, greenish gray; from Favre at Smithton. Ed. Helfrich & Leona Horescher were published at Paderborn. The Hecker Ladies Aid have there Cold Supper & pinic [sic] today at church grounds, pretty cool for pinic [sic], having a 4H Club band from around Waterloo. The 4 Happy Ramblers are having a dance at Kammler’s tonite. Awful cool.
Sunday, May 14, 1939
Went to mass. Had solemn communion, 10 children. Bert [Bertille] got her haircut. Leo & family came this afternoon, also Bill [Klein] all had supper here, we took pictures. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for free dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Happy Ramblers 2 – had large crowd. Totsch’s also had fish fry & free dance.
Sunday, April 16, 1939
Cloudy with showers. Went to mass. Children made there first Holy Communion; all dressed in white. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in after mass awhile. Hubert McDermoot & Miss Schmidt were published for 2nd. time today. Mr. & Mrs. Lerow Haudrich are having there wedding dance at Totsch’s tonite, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got invitation card. The Happy Ramblers Orc. are playing & giving a dance at Kammlers tonite. Bill [Klein] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Dr. Eckerts, he wanted to pay him.
Thursday, Feb. 9, 1939
Fixed gloves this morn. Henry & Leona & Billy [Willis] came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, he took sweet clover seed along; Bill [Klein] came here awhile this morn. Raining nearly all day. Kenneth Kemp got stuck by Hill’s this afternoon. Werner Kammler pulled him out with truck. Awful bad nite, windy & raining so heavy, thunder.
Monday, Nov. 28, 1938
Went to Henry’s butchering 1 hog. Warmer this afternoon again. Mrs. Geo. Kammler is ill at present.
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