Papa got a hair cut & shave at the Barbers this morning. Bertille baked cookies. Dr. Isselhardt Dentist moved from Manier down to Harry Kammler’s upstairs.
Thursday, December 1, 1932
It is so nice an warm all week already, cool nights. We shelled corn this morn. George Wagner’s is butchering today, got it hog from Chas. Wagner’s. Steve & Kammler’s boy’s butchering. Henry brought a load of corn this afternoon. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening, but they where down at Oscar Birkner’s butchering, they came home then.
Monday, Nov. 21, 1932
We cleaned the chicken houses out & put straw, sprayed them. Elmer Kammler was here wanted to see if he could get fat hogs to butcher but we have none to sell now, he says he can’t find none nowhere. Chas. Wagner had a run away this afternoon, his horses got scared, & started in running till by Meng’s; he sure got a real shake up, seating in the box wagon.
Saturday, Oct. 15, 1932
Papa went out to Armstutz Quarry & got a load of chat & lime for our walk for 50¢. Rosalia & Bertille went to Waterloo paid the Waterloo Times & took 24 doz. eggs @ 22¢. Stopped at Henrys. Geodells from St. Louis are coming to see them tomorrow. Mrs. Adolph Petri called out to Hill’s this morning & told them that George Petri Skinny got killed sometime last night or the morn, his machine turned over & he was pinned under, she taught [sic – thought] may be the wheels clocked, they brought him home dead. The Fahey boy said he went out squirrel hunting Fri. nite at 11 o clock & upset in a sink hole & broke his neck. Harry Kammler’s got a dance tonite, muscis [sic] “by the Country Club Orchestra, Adm. 35¢.
Sunday, Aug. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud. We had chicken dinner by Uncle Fred’s today. Ronenbergs brought them one. Today is fish fry & dance at the Rod & Gun Club. Uncle Adam & Emil came up to see Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, then, Joe & Josie Gregson came but they wanted to come & see us, but being we where over there, they stayed there to, we all had supper. This evening we ate Watermellon [sic]. Seen in the paper that Ed Birke has a baby boy, they have 2 a girl & boy, & also Slyvester [sic – Sylvester] Doyle have a boy, first born. Elmer Kammler’s called there Donald Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut sponsors.
Saturday, Aug. 6, 1932
Papa got whey. This afternoon he went to Nic Noveslac Sale by Burksville station on Bozzay Place. Mrs. Minnie Staufbiuel was here & asked for to go along with us to Red Bud tomorrow morning to church. Harry Kammler is having a dance again to nite, musci [sic] by Dixie Blue Boys. Joe Herzog’s is also having another floor dance. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to spent the weekend here. We went up to Eichenseer’s corner to listen to the musci [sic] he didn’t have a very big crowd, the weather got bad, so we went home. It rained a little, at Waterloo & Red Bud they had a good shower.
Saturday, June 11, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out & picked about 4 gals. berries this morning. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon, got his watch fixed. We canned 3 qts. berries & made a 1 gal ½ jelly. Harry Kammler is having a dance spotlight. Musci [sic] by the Dixie Blue Boys Am 35¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to spent the week end.
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