Saturday, May 21, 1932

We have 10 hens hatching that is the last now. Tonite Harry Kammler’s have a dance, musci [sic] furnished by Ill. Roamers, & Bill Sensel has one barn, by Ripplemixer band from Valmeyer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there, it was pretty good crowd, but the floor was so rough. Papa went to Waterloo. Roman Schwartz was here & looked at the colts. We sure had a nice rain this afternoon, but it wasn’t enough.

Saturday, May 7, 1932

Papa got crushing done this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon & then we went to Mrs. Leona Deuker’s sale got a hoe for 45¢. Most everything else brought a fair price. Oscar Matzenbacher got the kitchen range for $36.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker, all nite. There is a play & dance at Broad Hollow Grange tonite, the Deuker girls are in it, they are going to move to Edgemont, where we heard Lela is going to start a beauty parlor & Ethel is going to teach the Hirst School & board, by Mayben [?] Pickett, who is going to move in Kammler’s house where Deuker’s live, Harold has a home & all furnished, so they are going to move in with him & keep house for him, he got divorce from his wife.

Sunday, May 1, 1932

There where 4 girls & 7 boys made their Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion] at Red Bud this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. They went out to Buehler’s this afternoon, Linus Birthday. Robert Launts had a farewell party this evening. We weren’t invited to come. Henry & Leona & Geodell’s family came up this evening, the boys stayed here & rest went over to New Athens to Val. Klube’s, his wife died this morn. but they didn’t get to see her anyway, she was at the unterdating [sic- undertaking] parlor yet. The funeral is Tuesday, Henry is pallbearer. Harry Kammler’s has a dance tonite. Peter Bros. outfit playing

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1932

We washed & hung it in the basement, because the weather is rather disagreeable out. Papa got his hair cut this afternoon. Elmer Kammler said his wife & Mrs. Laut where both down in bed with the flu. Robert Laut paid $400.00 for Wm. Laut’s property here in town. Mr. & Mrs. Laut are already living down in Elmer’s house, they will have sale. Henry was here awhile this evening, he went to Hy. Hepp’s to get some leghorn hatching eggs for 11¢ doz. He say’s the boys have the wooping[sic] cough now. We where going to Red Bud to lent service, but Henry came then made it to later.

Sunday, Feb. 14, 1932

We went to Red Bud to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, & played cards awhile then went home. Mrs. Rennecker was saying this morn. that Mrs. Elmer Kammler is pretty bad sick, she has an awful bad cold. Robert Laut bought the old Mrs. Laut’s place & is going to move up to Hecker, when school is out & Mr. & Mrs. Laut are going by Elmer Kammlers, because Mr. Laut ain’t able to word [sic – work] any more, he can’t carry a bucket of water or a armful of wood.

Saturday, Feb. 13, 1932

We sent a birthday card to Josie Keller today is her birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry where all here, then we went up to Neffs house to Emma’s funeral. She was buried at Red Bud & also in that church. She was 20 yrs. old. The pallbearers where: Edwin Wacthel, Edwin Reheis, Lester Bruns, Ralph Wiegand, Joe Griffin, Werner Kammler, Quernheim’s undertaking. The baby Ed Jr. is going to stay with Neff’s.

Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1932

We went up to Belleville & sold 30 doz. eggs 23¢ & 2 for 45¢ sold all. Tonight is telephone meeting at Deueker’s. We all went. The members weren’t all present. Henry & family came up, played pinochle, they came here first & we weren’t at home, so they thought maybe we was by Louis Armstutz so they drove down a piece & turned around in front of Elmer Kammler house & got stuck, papa took the Whippet down & put the chains on & pulled him out. George Wagner & Steve, Louis Armstutz, Philip Jatho helped him.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 1931

We went to Red Bud Church, went out to Uncle Fred’s for supper, got a tree in there woods. Roy Stauenfbiel & Osie Neff, Edwin Watchel came this evening a little business about his road. Dance at Kammler’s, the egg man paid 26 today.

Sunday, Oct. 25, 1931

We went to Waterloo church this morning to hear the new organ, & they have 2 weeks mission starting today.  This week for the women & next for the men.  We went to George Boll’s shooting match but didn’t win a thing, there wasn’t much of a crowd there, he had 11 geese & a few ducks to raffle.  Fred Schaefer was here this morn. to collect his threshing bill, papa paid him $1.85, for Henry.  Harry Kammler has a dance tonight, Peter Bros. playing Thurs. night.  The Hecker baseball club is giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Herzog Orchestra.

Monday, Oct. 12, 1931

This week there is a Mystic Western Show & vaudeville in Kammler’s Hall, all week, adm. 10 & 25¢.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & Papa went to Waterloo on business.  They heard Mrs. Hempe had died & was buried this morn. at Tiptown.  Rev. Fr. Beelman also was buried this morn. at Belleville, he was at present pastor of St. at Elizabethtown, & a few years back was at Paderborn.  The children of the paraochial [sic] school where dismissed today, on account of Coloumbus [sic] Day.  It rained mostly all day.  The egg man stopped but didn’t take the eggs today, he had too many, we had 12 doz. for him, so will have to save them for Thurs.