Saturday, May 30, 1931

Papa got crushing done.  There is School Picnic in Waterloo today, parade of the children is at 9:30.  Everything is closed today, stores, banks, barber shops, also because it is Memorial Day.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up at 10 o’clock, then we drove down to Fr. Chartres, from there we went to Polaceki sale at Fults, the May’s where there from there we came home, we hit the hard road at Parrot’s Corner, we came through a quite a few towns, & good roads, drove along the bluffs, we covered 58 miles, was back at 4 o’clock.  Harry Kammler’s is giving a dance tonight, but it ain’t so nice, cool, it rained where we were today, but not much here at home.  The Hecker ball teams played today.  The Blue Capes against the Hecker All Stars, in favor or Blue Caps, the score was 13 to 14.

Tuesday, April 21, 1931

We washed, ironed, patched today.  This morning the assessor Wm. Sensel was here, John Reagan came & wanted to know if it was all right for him to throw his chicken manure in our oats field but it was soft in there, so he throwed it in the stubble ground closed by.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here, Uncle Fred went down to Red Bud & she went to Wm. Birkners, & Louis Birkners, but nobody at home on either place.  They where here for lunch.  Joe Griffin was around electioneering, today is town election.  He & Elmer Kammler running for town mayor.  Papa went up & gave him his vote for Joe, & a citizen thicket [ticket].  It is cold again, we covered our tomato plants, because some said, we was gong to have a frost tonight, but we didn’t.

Saturday, April 11, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s this afternoon, & took them along, went to Waterloo to Mrs. Dan Geodell’s funeral, it was rather large.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also in.  Aunt Mary, & Uncle Adam, rode along with us to the cemetery & back again to town.  We seen Rosie Meuth today, gave her a pleasant call for a short while.  Mr. Caldwell was in Waterloo today.  He sold his farm along the hard road from people from St. Louis for $5,000.  Papa went up town this evening.  Harry Kammler’s having a dance tonight.  I don’t think the crowd was very large.  Mamie Eichenseer came down this evening & then Clarence & Mrs. Eichenseer came after her around 9 o’clock.

Friday, Feb. 6, 1931

Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning.  Papa is hauling wood.  Today is Karl Kammler’s birthday, he will be 22 years old.  I seen in the paper that Tiptown is going to have a euchre & box social on Feb. 15.  The Ladies Aid of Hecker will have one on that date too.  Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo this afternoon with a load of wheat, 70¢ a bu. today.  It is raining this afternoon, we sure need it to.  It rained mostly all night.

Thursday, Feb. 5, 1931

Tonight is a dance at Smithton, the Kentucky Mountaineers are giving a show there.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner today.  They were cleaning at there place again.  Ed Neff was here this morn. & got 2 bus. of potatoes from Uncle Fred’s.  Aunt Mary & Bert. went to the quilting this afternoon, in the school hall.  Deukers moved into John Kammlers house, Werner helped them move with his truck.  We cut the chickens wings off this evening.  Bertille took 8 doz. eggs to Eichenseer’s, got 14¢ a doz.

Sunday, February 1, 1931

Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner today.  Elmer Kammler came here this afternoon & paid Uncle Fred’s his $10.00 rent for the first & last time.  Phillip Freund was here for supper, then we all went to the show in the new school hall.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came all up to see it.  It sure was good.  Adm. was 10 & 25¢ and 25% of what they took in went for the hall.  They also sold candy 10¢ & in some boxes you get a coupon & on there you could win perfume, pillows, razor & many different articles.  Aunt Mary got a waste basket.  It was all over about 9:30.  They are going to be at Smithton on Feb. 5 there they will also give a dance.

Thursday, Jan. 29, 1931

Papa & Uncle Fred was working at the church farm today.  Papa had dinner out at Uncle Fred’s.  This afternoon Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up here & then Bertille & her went to the sewing circle.  This evening he came up & got her again.  There was a man around selling articles today for the orphan children of Belleville.  Elmer Kammlers are moving there furniture out today.  Osie Neff was here this eve. on business.  Elmer Kammler came here this evening & brought the house keys over.  He said he moved because the house was to big it took too much coal.  We went over to Steve Rennecker this eve. & had 6 games of pinochle.  Papa & Rosalia won 5 games.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1931

We went to Belleville this morn. & sold 5 doz. eggs for .25¢ & 12 doz. for .20¢.  We got new hats today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too.  The way it looks like Elmer Kammlers are moving today.  They are loading up things, rugs & boxes up too Gambachs place, but they wasn’t told to move by Uncle Fred & Elmer never say anything to him.  Tonight is euchre in the new school hall again.  Papa & Rosalia are hauling water from Henry’s cistern and are putting it in ours, with milk cans.  Papa took the milk cans back to Oscar Birkners & Ronerbergs again.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & then we all went to the euchre, there wasn’t many people there.  Rosalia & Aunt Mary each won a prize.  Rosalia had 7 points & got a hat.  Aunt Mary had 8 points & got a pair of pillow cases.

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1931

We washed today.  Anna Braun was here this morning.  This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here.  Papa & Uncle Fred went down to see Anna Braun, & then afterwords went to Waterloo.  Uncle Fred bought Anna Braun’s house & buildings in Hecker today for $3,000.00.  A note as part pay.  Uncle Fred & Papa went over to see Elmer Kammler about the rent.  It is $10.00 every month.  Papa went down to see Jos. R. Braun this evening.  And ordered his license.  Jos. Watchel & Mr. Laut are each butchering 1 hog today.  Henry told us this morning that Rose Crook “nee” McDermott was buried this morning, she was in St. Clements Hospital in Red Bud, & was pretty bad sick, she had heart trouble.  They were just married about a year.  Ben Schilling bought Phillip Braun’s property, & Henry Braun sold 2 lots where his buildings are on to Clara Braun.  Everybody’s selling & buying now.  This evening Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker was here, we played 4 handed pinochle.  Steve and Bertille were partners & lost 5 games out of 6.

Thursday, Jan. 8, 1931

Papa went to church this morning & then he went down to see Jos. Braun a little while.  We washed & ironed today, baked bread.  This afternoon Mamie called up  & wanted to know if any of us were going to the quilting in the School Hall.  We didn’t know anything of it at all so Rosalia went up to Mamie’s & then they went.  There is Trustee meeting over at Elmer Kammler’s this afternoon.  This morning the ground was all covered with snow, but it is so warm today, that the snow is all most gone already.  This evening Papa went down to the telephone meeting at George Kammler’s & Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s & played pinochle.  Angela & Bertille were partners & Mamie & Rosalia, we played 2 games & each won one.  Greg. McCarthy went to a show with Ralph Wiegand.  Odillo went over to Ed. Neff’s & the 2 Schilling’s boys too, they had a game of pinochle there.  At the telephone meeting they elected the old officers again, & the next meeting will be in April at our place.