Today is Epiphany. Rosalia fried down 5 gals. bacon today. Papa took the car up town & got air & gas ready for Belleville tomorrow. Mr. Hill called up this evening & told us about telephone meeting next Thursday Evening at George Kammler’s. Bertille made some mush & put blood sausage in with it & fried it for supper. It sure was good. This evening we cooked some beef soup for tomorrow when we come back from Belleville.
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille all went to Belleville to sell sausage again this morning, so we did pretty good today, we sold $6.30 eggs & had calls for many more, but we didn’t have any, only 18 dozs. We also came across Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred too, John Reheis’s, Louis Armstutz, Flossie Kammler, Alvera Jatho. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Rhein’s & Kamapp Piano Co. we bought a victrola from Rhein’s for $8.00 delivered to the house, 24 records, 2 package needles. Rosalia & Bertille are baking oatmeal cookies tonight. We met Tony Eichenseer & also Raymond Schumacher at Belleville today. Bertille was up town twice this evening to get the papers. The marriage licenses of Osborn Birkner & a girl from Belleville 16 years old were in the paper & also those who were present at the wedding supper. He is the son of Pete Birkner, he is 29 yrs. old & married a girl 16. Viola Steinheimer of Belleville. Hy. Rausch is ill at present.
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1930
Papa went butchering out at Uncle Adam’s today, he was there for lunch & dinner. He had to go to George Henkel’s this morning first and get the hogs for them. We washed, ironed, baked cookies, fry in meat today. Elmer Kammler, John Braun, Willie Braun, Gus. Klotz are all butchering today. It is a right nice day, only it is a little cold. This morning they had to shoot so many times before they killed the hogs at Henkels, Emil, John, George & Papa they all shot a couple of times & finally George killed them with the last bullet, they had. Good Luck wasn’t it, I Say! Levi Gregson’s, Papa & Henry help them to butcher.
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1930
We all went to Belleville today to sell some meat & eggs, we sold $8.30 meat & $9.10 for 26 doz. eggs & .35¢ a doz. We took our old route back again. Rosalia ran across John Kammler’s house in Belleville but they just butchered out at George Wagner’s last Saturday. Today is Edwin Eckert’s 2nd year birthday. It is raining. Rosalia isn’t feeling very well this evening. I seen in the Hecker news in the paper that “Bill Lehr” is reported to be very sick with double pneumonia. Our Ozark Trip by Frances Schilling was also in the paper.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1930
We washed this morning & hung it in the basement. It is awful cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Tonight the Y.P.L. is to have their play in Kammler’s Hall, the name is “Dangerous Waters.” It was pretty nice, the characters were: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Henry Spalt, Henry Keorber, Milton Wagner, Ralph & Clarence Rausch, Flossie Kammler, Katy Keorber, Alvera Jatho, Marcella Ettling. Karl Boll made it thunder & lightnin’ & rain. The reserved seats were all taken. Henry Wiedeman & Woods furnished the music, accordion & violin. Henry came up this evening, he is going to butcher tomorrow.
Thursday, Nov. 6, 1930
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this morning to get some more beef. Elmer Kammler is a butchering a hog today. We had beef soup for dinner. This afternoon we all went out in the woods and piled brush. Eggs are .30¢ today.
Sunday, Nov. 2, 1930
Today is Harold Hellmer’s birthday. Henry & family were here for dinner today. After dinner we played ball. It is such a nice day. Charles Schilling & Odillo Eichenseer was riding around this afternoon they went down as far as Meng’s road and turned around & he missed the culpert with one wheel and it went down, Odillo got the truck and pulled him out. At 2 o’clock was church, so we went to church & after church to the cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to the cemetery first then they came up here, then to church, then to Mrs. Threfall’s shooting match. We had company from St. Louis, they first was at the house, but we weren’t at home, so they came up to church & then they went along to the cemetery & then they came back up to Hecker again & had lunch with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again afterwards from the shooting match. There was nobody there. The people from St. Louis were Mr. & Mrs. Sig. Dudenhoeffer, and friends Mrs. Karmer and son Harry & Jake Becherle from Germany, he is just over 4 months now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here and then they went to Willie Birkner’s it was their wedding anniversary. Tonight Harry Kammler has a dance again. People Jane Orchestra playing. Bill Matzenbacher, Ed. Wittenaurs, Mrs. Threfall all had shooting matches this afternoon.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 1930
Harry Kammler is having a dance again tonight in the Hall. Papa went to Waterloo today. Leona & Bobby were here a little while this afternoon. There wasn’t such a crowd at Kammler’s dance tonight, any how there weren’t many cars parked down this away. We found 40 eggs today. Bertille took 3 doz. off and got .25¢ for them. Bertille went to church this afternoon.
Friday, Sept. 26, 1930
Henry & Leona came up this morning, they brought Bobby & Floyd here, & then they went up to Belleville. They all had dinner with us. Papa went down & cut the cemetery grass this afternoon & then he got a load of wood. Philip Braun is starting to put Elmer Kammler’s roof on today, Robert Laut & Ed Neff are helping him. Today is Charles Schilling’s birhtday he is going to be 17 or 18, I don’t know which.
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