We washed, ironed, patched today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon a little while, from here they went to Red Bud to Chris Buehler’s, it is their wedding anniversary. Oliver Kammler is playing accordion over at George Wagner’s. Ralph Ettling was here, he paid his $98.00, he still has a $100.00 to paid yet. Peter Watchel had a accident by Grohmann’s lane up by Belleville. He was by himself when it happened, but he didn’t get hurt so very much, because he went to work again today the way they say.
Saturday, Sept. 20, 1930
Papa went up town and got Vic. Eichenseer to put a new valve in the tank in the basement so now it works again. Then Papa took him back again. Rosalia & Papa went out to Henry’s to get a load of wheat. After dinner he took the wheat down to Red Bud, then it went out to B. W. Weld’s sale 3 miles south of Waterloo on the hard road, his son was doing the farming & he is a plumber. Harry Kammler is having a dance tonight. One of our Rhode Island Reds laid one egg today. Papa bought some chicken coops at the sale. There sure was a crowd in Hecker at the dance the streets were all lined up with cars.
Saturday, Sept. 6, 1930
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for lunch, dinner & lunch today, we dug a well. There is about 8 ft. of water. In the evening we drove out to Uncle Fred’s & got them went back to Hecker and took the hard road to Breezy Hill to Gus Geodell’s 25th wedding anniversary, silver. There was a big crowd there. It rained this evening, it just poured down. They stayed at our house all night. Bertille was over an invited Elmer Kammler.
Friday, August 29, 1930
Today is “Billy” Kammler’s birthday. He is 2 yrs. old. Gus Hempe and a man from St. Joe were here this afternoon & got our little colt for $40.00. They didn’t have it so nice to load her, she wasn’t used to any trucks. They got her on & away they went. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to got a load of wheat, then Papa went to Red Bud with it. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wedel had a accident near by Waterloo, when they were crowded off of the hard road. The Hecker School will open on Tuesday, Sept. 2 Gregory Mcarthy teacher. Broad Hollow on Sept. 2 by Miss Mary Havey teacher. McQuillen School Sept. 2 by Miss Lela Deuker teacher. Hirst School Sept. 2 by Miss Ethel Deuker teacher. Blackburn School Sept. 2 by Miss Klinklenberg of Marystown teacher. Grace Axley the Marini School.
Thursday, August 28, 1930
Papa went to cut corn but he came back about 8:30. Bertille went up town to get coal oil and a few things. Mrs. Ed Meng & Clifford went to do Belleville shopping and visiting today. Papa went back to see Hempe’s after dinner. I seen in the paper that Mr. & Mrs. Anselm Krehrer celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary on Sun. Aug. 24. All the relatives gathered to take part in the happy event. Rebumen [Ruben?] Kammler and a Dr. from Belleville motored to the Ozarks over the weekend. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s to help him unload & carry their victrola in the house. They were at Belleville this afternoon and bought one from Rhein’s for $10.00 with 18 records. They have 2 right nice pieces they are, “You Don’t It Not Much.” & “Lonesome Tonight.” Bertille read in the Republican paper Mr. Henry Eichleman & Doris Einwich were married Aug. 26 in Rev. Eschman’s parsonage. They took a honeymoon trip to South Dakota. Mrs. Elizabeth Krack died she was 88 years old. If she would of lived until Sunday she would have been 89 years. She stayed by Mrs. Hy. Hellmer her daughter. She was buried last Thursday morning. Otto Susewind & Catherine Schafer close friends of Ewinich and Eichleman were best man and bridesmaid. I seen in the paper that Hy. Biffar had a weed fire. It destroyed the house & barn on the premises of the Ahern Bros. who reside in St. Louis. With the help of some farmers ploying furrows around tracts. Besides the buildings, quite a bit of hay in the barn was also burned. Mrs. Alvin Franke nee Geodelle died and was buried Monday. She was 37 years old. And is survived by her husband & 2 children one son Hamilton and daughter Mary Louise. She also leaves four brothers Emil & Ted of St. Louis and Victor & Jacob of Waterloo & 4 sisters Mrs. Wm. Kolmer, Mrs. L. Matzenbacher, Mrs. Art. Bestman & Miss Olivia all of Waterloo, Ill. Mrs. Cornelia Petria is working at the knitting mill.
Wednesday, August 6, 1930
Today is a sale down by Lenzburg and Marissa. George Wagner is tearing his shed down and is going to build up a garage for his machine. John Kammler and Reuben are doing the work. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s all day. They took 2 chickens along for dinner. Bertille stayed home & ironed & patched. It was pretty hot today. Dr. Eckert’s father died from old age & heat. Mr. Rennecker came over on the porch with us a little while. Jacob Erle & John Wittenaur’s machine got smashed tonight. Wittenauer’s car was standing by Eichenseer’s when Jac. Erle came along and stopped to, he bumped into and knocked it against the tree over on the sidewalk & then back in the alley. Erle had a scratch on the chin. His car was pulled to Red Bud on a wrecking car. Wittenaur’s is standing in Eichenseer’s back yard.
Monday, June 30, 1930
Bertille went to church this morning. It is also raining this morning again. This afternoon the Gambach brothers are getting buried in one hole side by side. Mrs. Gambach said they died together, they should stay together & be buried together. We all went to the funeral this afternoon, it was the largest ever had in Hecker. So many pretty flowers. They had 2 florist wagons to haul the flowers to the cemetery. It was an awful sad case. Mrs. George Gambach and Mrs. Henry Gambach & Mildred Stiffler, they just hollered & cried something terrible. The parents bought a big bouquet of flowers for each one. Mrs. Hy. Gambach bought one with “My Dear Husband” written on it. We all went to Freeburg this evening & got some steel posts. We saw the graves as we went by. It was just decorated all over with flowers. Their coffins cost $700. a piece. They was put in concrete vaults. They took the picture of them coffins when they was in the undertaking wagon. The Y.P.L. walked down in front of the hearsts all the way to the church. And also the pall bearers walked along side of the hearsts. The ball bearers for Henry were- Harry & Elmer Kammler, Mrs. Gambach’s brother, Louis & Fred Armstutz, & another fellow I didn’t know him. For Willard was, Henry Spalt, Henry Siegand, Werner Kammler, Kenneth Kemp, Flossie Kammler’s brother, Henry Emery.
Saturday, June 28, 1930
We all went in to Waterloo & through Red Bud home this afternoon. Henry Kammler was to have his dance tonight but it is postponed on account of the deaths of the Gambach’s. It is in all the paper’s about the accident that happened with the 2 boys. It was just 43 years ago that George Gambach’s sister got drowned. Odillo Eichensser & Rudolph Rausch were here this evening & looking for ball grounds. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie Eichenseer went over to see Gambach’s this evening. They sure do look nice. Mrs. George Gambach takes it awful hard & also Lela Deuker [Denker?]. She was going with Willard. There were 5 machines, florists that brought flowers.
Wednesday, June 11, 1930
It is raining this morning but we sure need it to. Everything is so dry, the garden is just like dying, from heat and no rain. It rained almost all day & nite. Henry & family were over at Uncle Fred’s this afternoon and got some tomato plants to plant out this evening. They came here when they came back but they didn’t get out of the car. Papa was up town twice today. George Wagner & Werner Kammler were here this evening and looked at our little leghorns. Werner would like to buy some, he is going to let us know by tomorrow morning. Louis Millman was also here & looked at them. Today Pete Birkner fixed Steve Rennecker’s chimney for him. Papa asked a few this morning up town if they know of any one wanted to buy leghorn chicks. Bertille baked bread, coffee cake, cookies, today. Rosalia worked in the garden and also planted some flowers out and sowed some lettuce seed in the garden after the rain, so tonight we have some more showers and then it will start to grow.
Saturday, June 7, 1930
Papa & Rosalia went up to Henry the morning to fix [the] fence. There are dances all over tonight. We have an invitation to Ronnenbergs and also have one to Ettlings, Marcella’s birthday. There is one at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance, one at Oak Grove, Renault. It rained a little this evening. Papa, Rosalia & Bertille were at Ettlings this evening. There sure were a lot of people there. Marcella got all kinds of beautiful presents. Those that were there were, Peter Reheis & family, John Reheis & family, Albert Cleveland & family, Robert Laut & family, Perry Klotz & family & Elmer Kammlers wife & Billy, August Blackburn & family, Nick Menths family, Ike Napier & family, George Boll & family. The boys were: Henry Spalt, Clifford Stallebher, Elmer & Clement Parker, Odillo Eichenseer, Henry & Ralph Wiegand, Levi Ganley, Clarence Pabst, Karl Kammler & his girl, & Alfred Kammler & his girl, Ralph Rausch, Kenneth Kemp, Milton Wagner, & a good many others from St. Louis. Cake, Beer, Lemonade were served. We came home at 12:30. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at Ronnenbergs. There was an awful big crowd there too. Henry said it was crowded at Sensel’s too. There were way many more people at Ettling then what I have mentioned.
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