Today is Confirmation at Evansville & Red Bud. Ivo Buehler is getting confirmed in Red Bud this afternoon. Adam Eckert is his sponsor. Father Grooten stopped here this morning and asked Papa to help work on the new school. So Papa went up this morning & also this afternoon. Nick Schaefer, Jos. Schilling and Jack Helfrich are working there. We sold 26 lbs. springs .32¢ a lb. $8.32 the other day, last Monday. Rosalia took 2 doz. eggs off and got .17¢ a dozen. It rained a little this afternoon, but not very much. This evening Rosalia & Bertille went up town. There is dairy meeting at the school house & the Y.P.L. have meeting at their church. Henry came up for the milk meeting. He was down here a little while before he went. Ida Kammler was sitting on the porch & we went over a little while. Billy’s pussy’s are both gone and he can’t find them no more.
Sunday, May 4, 1930
Papa & Bertille went to first mass this morning. It rained a little, it is supposed to rain seven Sundays because it rained on Easter Sunday. Today is Olivia Laut’s birthday. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went to the play and dance at Kammler’s hall. The name of the play is “What Happened to Braggs.” It was 3 acts. That that were in the play are: Milton Wagner, Ralph Rausch, Henry Wieg and Ralph Wiegand, Henry Spalt, Karl Ball, Alvera Jatho, Marcella Ettling, Eunice Blackburn, Flossie Kammler. They had the play in the afternoon too.
Monday, April 28, 1930
Uncle Fred is helping to work on the new school. Aunt Mary was here all day. Uncle Fred came down here for dinner and supper. They both ate with us today. Aunt Mary and Rosalia were sewing a dress. Henry came up this afternoon to get some sour milk. Werner Kammler has a new Chevrolet truck. Today was eclipse of the sun. Bertille was down at Louis Armstutz this morning and this afternoon, got a dress pattern and returned it again. Bertille took 4 dozen eggs to the store, got .21¢ this morning and this afternoon, Uncle Fred took 10 dozen there and got .20¢ a dozen.
Sunday, April 6, 1930
Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry were all up for church this morning. Then after church they all went home. Henry Armstutz was here this afternoon. Mrs. Rheinecker came over a little while this evening. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came down here and then we went up to church in the evening. After church, Rosalia & Bertille went in Kammler’s hall to hear the three Peters Brothers play from Germany. Admission was .30¢. We found 39 eggs today.
Saturday, April 5, 1930
Father Grootens took Frank Schwindle his boy that stayed by him off this morning. He got home sick for his mother in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rosalia and Bertille went over to Elmer Kammler’s for a little while this evening. We found 30 eggs. Today Oscar Birkner’s baby is a year old.
Monday, March 31, 1930
Leona, Bobby, Floyd were up this afternoon. Elmer Kammler was over a little while. “Billy” had been sick but he said he was better today. There was a man around deliveries some paper for the Slack Furniture Co. at E. St. Louis, Mo. Bertille took 5 dozen eggs to the store, got .22¢ a dozen. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here this evening. We found 28 eggs today.
Thursday, February 27, 1930
Bertille was at church this morning. There is to be quilting at Mrs. Eckert’s this afternoon. Mr. Mehrman got stuck in George Wagner’s road and he had to get Vic Eichenseer to pull him out with their truck. He had to serve as jury man in Belleville. Joe Mueth in the prairie have a little son, they got him christened yesterday. I don’t know what they named it. Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseer’s & got .21¢ a dozen. Henry came up this evening and brought his calfs up. He came down here a little while. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came down here a little while before they went to Euchre. Aunt Mary, Uncle Fred, Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to the Euchre and Old Time Dance in Kammler’s hall tonight. The Herzog’s boy and girl played with both accordions. Uncle Fred got a broom for a prize & Aunt Mary got a dish pan. None of us got anything. Bertille had 5 punches, Papa 4, and Rosalia 3. The sixes took all the prizes. They also had a slipper dance. The ladies had to take their shoe off and throw them in a box and the boys had slips. They had to pick one shoe and find the partner to that, then dance with that girl. They had a square, broom, polka, barn dance and also some of the latest steps and tunes. Uncle Fred played some of the old timers (tunes). Found 23 eggs.
Tuesday, February 11, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille washed today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here. They brought their eggs up. Mrs. Joe Schilling’s sister died, Katie Becker. She is going to be buried Wednesday morning. Mr. Henry Kreamer, the insurance agent, was here this afternoon. We found 10 eggs today. This evening, Lena Meng, Clifford, Ida Kammler & Billy, Hildagard, Angela, Wilma Reheis were here. They evening was spent in playing cards & eating popcorn. Henry was here too.
Wednesday, February 5, 1930
It happen to be a nice day after all. We found 8 eggs today. Henry came up this morning to get his machine from the garage, but it wasn’t finished yet. So he came down here for dinner and afterwards went back up again. Then about four o’clock he left for home, but when he got to the corner his machine stopped and then he got Vic Eichenseer to look after it. So he got it started again, he left. When he got between Schneiders and Kammlers it stopped again. He called up Steve Rheinecker’s to call Papa over to the telephone to bring the Whippet out there. During that while he came up to Braun’s & had a little talk with him (and) told him to come out & pull it in. So Papa and Henry went out to where his machine was & got the Whippet passed there. So Henry could get home. Papa walked home. Papa got his hair cut this morning. Willie Birkner dug a well on his place today. Louis and Oscar were doing it for him. Bill Birkner bought Mrs. Lorberg’s place.
Wednesday, January 29, 1930
Arthur Frien from Smithton was here this afternoon. We have a sick hen. The Catholics are going to have a Euchre to-nite. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to the Euchre. Papa and Rosalia each got a prize. Papa got a dish and Rosalia got a box of handkerchiefs. Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred were here till it was time to go to the euchre. Aunt Mary got a centerpiece for a prize. John Kammler’s butchered at George Wagner’s today. We found 2 eggs.
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