We pappered [sic] the front room. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & Leona helped; had dinner & duck supper, it weighed 5½ lbs. We went to the Democratic Meeting at Kammler’s tonite, speakers H. Jackson, Burk of Kansas. Davis of Muryphsboro [sic], had talkie picture & free beer, surely was a crowd, had a speaker, microphone, carried far; the hall was packed & other time as many out side they said, beer in all [illegible].
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Mrs. Feldmann died, will be buried Tues. morn. solemn high mass; the mother of Father Feldmann, expecting 20 priests, from all over. Omer & Tillie went to Fort Chartres & Renault & home. Leo was down, they had supper here, went to Paderborn to Tolsetis tonite, free dance, & fish fry, had nice crowd. Skaers played. Geo. Boll bought our disk $10. Mr. Dare, bought the drill $8. Wm. Harbaugh was here to see Uncle. Hecker baseball team has a dance at Kammler’s Adm. 25. Schmidt’s Merry Maker playing musci [sic]; wasn’t so much of a crowd, they say. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Donahue’s tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch. Barry May, Eichelmann’s all have shooting matches, for geese & ducks today.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1936
Raining again nearly all day. Baxmeyer, fellow from the bottoms, were all here on business. Rose & Berti went to Kammler’s funeral this afternoon, to church. Ladies Aid Choir sang, the pall bearers were all nephews, Harry & Werner Kammler, Julius Rausch, Roy Klotz, Jerome Meng, Hugo Probst; rather large funeral for the conditions of the weather. He was 80 yrs. old & died suddenly at 2 o clock Sun. morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening thought Eichenseers Wedding was.
Monday, Sept. 28, 1936
Raining all day & cooler. Henry & Leona went to Belleville. Billy stayed here; boys were at school. The town lights were put up today, we had lights all over town tonite, at 5:05, turned on over at New Athens. Mr. Bill Kammler died, yesterday morn, of a cancer & stroke, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at the church & cemetery. Mr. Guker of Red Bud brought Joe Walcthel radio up $42.50 pretty nice, Philio, also brought a $17.00 here, its small Philio, nice an loud, we should keep it for a week, till Sun. morn.
Sunday, June 28, 1936
Went to early mass. Mrs. Alice Parrot died this morn. will be buried Tues. morn. at Red Bud, nee Murphy. Floyd Pabst has a free birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Webers, all free tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch., a free dance at Paderborn. We went to Donahue’s first then to Hecker, good crowd both places. We went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s had dinner & supper there, they came up here this evening went to Pabsts dance. Awful hot.
Thursday, June 4, 1936
We clipped old hens wings. Aunt Mary shoes from Chicago Mail Or. & were to small had to send them back today. We had beef soup dinner. We ate 3 springs already, sure good, we got 111 old hens. There is Church pinic [sic] at Dupo today, were we got chances to win a V8 Ford; but I guess we won’t win anyway. Mr. Geo. Homringhausen gets buried this afternoon. Rose & Bert went to the funeral, down to Red Bud only to Dashner’s, he looks natural awful large funeral, Pall Bearers were, 4 fellows of Waterloo, J. Schmidt, L. Zimmer, Metzer, Friederich, Schuette & guy of Red Bud; Rev. Brink had the services at the undertaker parlor, & also at Round Prairie Church & Cemetery; he was 55 yrs. old, had a copper coffin & vault. This evening there was some fellows ran around our hours, one was H. Davis of Belleville, he should of brought a boy along, that he picked up on the road, & kid got away from him, Elmer Kammler came here, he had the kids shoes, what he dropped, in alalfa [sic] field.
Wednesday, June 3, 1936
Clarence Braun & fellow that stays at Weber’s got the horse he rode him home, comes from Ark. last week, & is working for Weber now. Pap & Rose went to Red Bud to see Zipfel about little chixs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came worked the garden etc, has a good heavy rain last nite, surely was nice, but lot of wind, broke some trees down by Hills & Renneker’s; not here. Henry came up cut clover hay this afternoon, had lunch. Rose & Bert went to Geo. Wagners to coffee demonstration; for supper, those present were all invited guests, Mrs. Geo. Harry & Elmer Kammlers, Mrs Pickett, Mrs. Chas. & Milton Wagner, Mrs. Bill Probst, Lena Meng, Mr. & Mrs. Mehrmann, Mrs. Laut, few ordered the coffee 2 lbs. 67¢, Mrs. Geo. Kammler is going to give a supper on June 17, at her place. Olivia Laut had one to at 1:30 this afternoon for invited guests; also. Bert went to Renneker’s got pt. honey for Henry, seen her coffee dripper & bowls she got. Mrs. Pickett won door prize at Wagner’s, a bowl. We went out to Ed. Parkers to see about chixs, didn’t take none, then went to Heyl’s Hatchery in Waterloo & got 149 chix, $6.50 100, mixed.
Sunday, May 31, 1936
Went to Waterloo mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile; Chris Buehler’s & Henry’s family went to see them this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to Mamie’s, seen Vic’s & Elmer Kammler’s houses. Beautiful day & the cars on the road, awful. Geo. Homringhausen was taken to Red Bud hospital last Thurs. nite has double pneumia [sic], at present is packed in ice, has awful high fever.
Thursday, April 30, 1936
Pap went Praire [sic] Du Rocher to McBride to get a sow. We baked doughnuts, Bert went along to Belleville with Henry & Leona, had to get Floyd’s hand redressed; looks terrible; they had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, lawned & planted cabbage & beans etc; went over to Minnie’s & got her dress finished 25¢ now. We planted 77 cabbage plants, & 87 sweet potatoes; this evening & tomatoes. Beautiful day, warm. Louis Armstutz’s have a big supper at there place tonite, Alumium [sic] cooking ware, there advertising, 2 men & lady from city are doing it, furnished everything; she had to ask 6 couples, Mr & Mrs Milton Wagner, Harry Kammler’s, Hugo Probsts, Lester Gregsons, Joe Wacthels, & themselves; supper to be at 7:30. Eggs 18¢.
Wednesday, April 1, 1936
All fools day. Papa went out to see Uncle Adam, still the same. Bert Thompson stopped in, he said we could get a setting duck eggs 35¢ as soon as they get them takes 13 eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Berti went along to Belleville; raining all nite & day; papa went out to Emil’s to helped him burn hedge this afternoon, Al. Cleveland also helped him. Henry has a little cold since yesterday morn; mare colt, black, is allright. Reports is out now to be true that Joe Schilling has bought Elmer Kammler’s house here, & Elmer is to build on Werner’s lot by the blacksmith shop, as soon as Seidle has finished Eichenseers, is going to start his right across the street. Eggs are up 1¢ again now. 16¢.
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