Sunday, October 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. Today Bill Sensels’ Barry May have shooting matches;  The way we heard, Lawrence Cortner & Hecke the marshal must have had a scrap last nite at the dance at Manier’s, both were drunk. Last nite was an all nite dance at Breezy. Ella Meng was here wanted to buy eggs, we had none. Rosalia & Bertille went to the the BaseBall dance at Kammlers, Dixie Blue Boys, Adm 25¢.

Saturday, Sept. 23, 1933

It rained all nite, & this morn. Papa went to Hecker. Martin May was to have sale today, but I guess the rain spoiled it, we didn’t go; it is still raining a little. We got letter from J. Schmidt, payed [sic] out 9 1/9% from the bank again we got $5.93 this time. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite, Dixie Blue Boy’s Adm. 25¢ each; not very much of a crowd; we went up to Eichenseer’s took it all in.

Saturday, July 22, 1933

Papa & Rosalia brought the boys out & took Bertille along to Waterloo to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, then went to Nic Schaefers, Mrs. birthday had a party. Harry Kammler has a dance to, music by Koehler’s Orch.

Saturday, July 8, 1933

We all went out to Henry’s threshing, but it rained before they got started, & rain all day, so a few where there for morning lunch, & the rest went home. We where there for lunch & dinner, then went home, & what a time! stuck here & there, had to push nearly all the way across the hills. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to Hecker first, planted beans, pickles & etc, then went home. Harry Kammler is giving a dance to nite, but not much doing, Dixie Blue Bloys mussic [sic], it is still raining. We cut in about 1 gal kraut; what we took along out to Leona’s & back.

Saturday, June 3, 1933

We baked cherry pie; Leslie Siebert & Alivera Jatho are to wed this afternoon in Smithon [sic] by Rev. Hasto at 2:30, she is to wear pink silk & blue sash ribbon, the attendant will be, her sister & husband, of St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went to Bill Curran’s sale back by Tiptown. Boy! believe me it sure was some sale, 2 mules brought $405. mare & colt, $175.00 everything so high priced. 15 mon. credit, Alfred May was auctioner [sic], Vincent Walsh clerk. Curran got the job to be motor cop on Route 3, they will move to Waterloo now. Authur [sic- Arthur] Fisher is to move there. Lucille McCarthy told us today that Hoffman & Elvira Bozzay of Tiptown will get married Tues. June 6, at 3 o clock in the parsonage, & shower was given to Isabella Kalmer; Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker where over this evening, she was saying that Reuben Kammler got married today, he goes to Carbondale School, & married one from there, it must of been surprised, because Wagner’s wasn’t there.

Wednesday, April 26, 1933

We cleaned the kitchen stove & pipes. Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds & got the potatoe [sic] plow. Broad Hollow Grange is giving a play “Civil Service” tonite & dance after it. We planted 2 bus potatoes. Papa planted a patch of corn. Rosa & Bert went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, washed & worked the garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, stayed in Hecker over nite, she brought 90 cabbage plants & few tomatoe [sic] plants along. The road worker are working by Kammler’s & Scheinders today.

Tuesday, April 18, 1933

Today is town election, Rennecker & Neff Osie are running on the Independent thicket [sic]. We washed, ironed; nice day. Papa went up to vote. Rosalia, Mrs. Rennecker, Mrs. Wagner went this afternoon. Mrs. Rennecker came to see our chickens. Papa went over to George’s, Robert Laut & Steve where also there. There was 77 votes cast at the election today. Elmer Kammler President received 60 votes, Werner Kammler Treas. 57 votes, Vic Eichenseer 50 votes, Hy. Armstutz trustsee [sic] 38, Philip Jatho 34, Osie Neff 37, Rennecker Steve 31 Jatho & Rennecker lost Neff won.

Sunday, April 16, 1933

The creeks are out nearly all over this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all up for dinner & supper. Henry came up with the buggy, the road is awful bad, it is just about all that they can get through with horses at the hills. Wittenauer hauls the milk with the wagon. The rabbit laid eggs by George Wagners & here this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Levi Gregson & Agnes was here this evening. Mary Wagner had a big surprize [sic], her brothers & sister & family, celebrated her birthday 43rd at George Wagners today, all Kammler’s, Fritsches, Mehrmann’s.

Monday, March 20, 1933

It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.

Thursday, March 9, 1933

Papa went to Red Bud to get butter milk for our chicks. Ike Napier & Karl Boll came & got the hog this morn, it weighed 309 lbs. at 4.50¢ lb. Steve Rennecker came over this afternoon, the ladies of the Evangical [sic] church have meeting George Kammler’s. Mr. Philip Ruhl 79 years of age died & will be buried this afternoon at New Athens.