Sunday, July 28, 1935

Henry & family came had supper here, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. they Rose & Bert went to Kammler’s Hall. Adam Eckerts ball team gave a dance Adm 25¢. Moonlight Orch.

Tuesday, April 30, 1935

Went out to Henry’s, pap plastered the walls, we helped wash, took ours along to, cooked soap, ironed, baked etc.; last day of school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up working. Mrs. Donahue, & Mrs. Kirsh both old ladies of Red Bud died, close neighbors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & Rose & Bertie went to the euchre in Kammlers Hall, Adm. 25¢, was given by the Lords Corner Church not much of a crowd. Bertie had 11 point won prize, coffee percolator, Rose got soup dish; very beautiful. We washed our hair & they got very pretty. Henry Volkemann is very sick, cold.

Thursday, April 25, 1935

Papa is fixing fence again, will soon be finished now. The Y.P.L. of Hecker, are giving a play intitled [sic], “Gates to Happiness” tonite at Kammler’s Hall; Adm. 35¢ dancing after play. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went up, but it wasn’t so nice, no pep at all; Characters were: Hy. Spalt, Clarence & Ralph Rausch, Harold Wagner, Floyd Thompson: Carol Papbenberg, Vernice Rausch, Marjorie Rausch, Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Alsace Eckert. The hall was crowded. Irene Reheis, furnished musci [sic]. Rev. Hasto painted the backgrounds, furniture came from N. Athens. Papa took load wheat to Red Bud, 90¢, got sack chic mash. Mrs. Gambach & daughter have a new 1935 model Chev Sedan; today. There were gypsies at J. Kaltwasser’s today, ransacked the place, took coffee & bread.

Thursday, Feb. 28, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she had dinner & supper here; Rose & Aunt Mary went to Fire Co. quilting in the city hall, this afternoon. Mr. Khong, straw baler man, was here. We went to the Evangical [sic] euchre tonite, Kammlers Hall, didn’t win a prize, had 6 points; the quilt & pillow cases & towel were given away by playing 3 games lotto for 10¢. Alscas Eckert won 1st quilt, Mrs. Ed. Koerber 2nd, slips. Valmeyer lady 3rd; towel. Miss. Irene Kayson won attendance prize, writing paper; big crowd.

Sunday, Feb. 10, 1935

Went to Red Bud. It is cloudy again today. Art Schaefer & Clarance Kreher came here & gave us an invitation to Kammler’s Hall tonite, for surprise Agnes on her birthday anniversary. Jerry Neff is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, Adm. 25¢ for gents, ladies free. Musci [sic] by Cowboys of Rythmn [sic]. The tea set given away at Connor’s City Grocery was won by Mrs. Ed Rehling. We went to Waterloo to Jerry’s birthday, nice crowd, Neffs family where also in; we stopped at Kammlers on the way home, a little while, also had a nice crowd, Schoenborn & Schaefer playing & Helfrich boys of Paderborn & Birkner boys had a little scrap, one had his shirt all torn, they came to Waterloo after that, they had it in the saloon; they also passed cake around; here.

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1934

Uncle Fred came brought Aunt Mary up for the Ladies Convention to be held at the School Hall, with dinner 50¢ a plate & program this afternoon. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Henry’s sawed wood this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to the Dentist, Rose got 1 pulled & 1 filled Berti got 1 filled. Richert of Dupo was here this morning, engaged 2  hogs for 2 weeks & bought 2 pigs from Henry $2.00 a p. [a piece]. Mr. Edgar Wittenauer & Miss Alsace Eckert are giving a free birthday dance in Kammlers Hall tonite; rang over lines, everybody invited. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, there were so many ladies at the hall today, over 200, for dinner was served, chicken, dressing, peas, turnips, mashed potatoes, cake, cranberries on lettuce & ice cream, ice water & coffee; a big day was had; a quilt was raffled to a Lenzburg lady. We all went to the dance, nice crowd, Koehler’s Orch, in which Edgar plays drums. Rather cold again, froze ice last few nights.

Sunday, June 24, 1934

Went to Waterloo church, stopped at Henry’s awhile. The Maeystown ball players & Hecker, played in Hecker. The all stars are sure lucky so far this year, they haven’t lost a game, won today 18-5. Storekeeper Mertz is the pitcher this year. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, take in the musci [sic] at Kammlers Hall, the “Pals of Harmony” played & also gave the dance, Gents 25 ladies free, we were there awhile, not so much doing, no crowd at all. Too many other dances tonight, Brezzy Hill, Chas Sensel’s, & several others.

Monday, June 4, 1934

Christ Buehler’s stopped in yesterday & brought Rose’veil back again, Irene used it. We washed, ironed, & awful hot again today. Hugo Probst got our car took it to his garage, to fix up. Henry Birkner’s birthday. Mrs. Karl Boll’s Henry came to cut hay this afternoon, didn’t cut much, it rained, he had lunch here. It rained way more in Athens & around then it did here. Eggs 11¢. Cowboy Jack gave a dance in Kammler’s Hall last nite. 3 couples there, gave it up & went back to St. Louis again, we heard, never will come out to Hecker to give a dance again.

Sunday, May 27, 1934

Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud church, had 8th grade graduation, during Mass. 4 girls, Catherine May, Evelyn Bendict, Rita Roscow, Mary Iva AuBuchon; all dressed in white, carring [sic] flowers, 2 flower girls. 6 boys, Cletus Helfrich, Ratz, Roscow, Hartmann. Thirtheen [sic] made there solmmen [sic] coummioun [sic] in Hecker, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile after church, went home, came back this afternoon, went to Red Bud to band convention, 200 muscians [sic], 10 band. Steve Rennecker came over awhile; we walked up to see Mamie, but she had a date with Clem Parker, se we came home again, the 4 h club girls are giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Holloywood [sic] Orch. Belleville playing Adm. 25¢.

Saturday, May 19, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came helped carpenter, had lunch, dinner, lunch. Henry & family came, left kids, here. Bertille went along with them to Belleville also Mrs. Cleveland went along. Mamie & Lucinda came down awhile, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we went to the fire Co. dance at Kammler’s Bresacker’s Orc. Adm 25 [cents], but not much of a crowd.