It looks awful cloudy like rain. Today is the big wedding of Milton Wagner 23 & Erma Englerth 18 of Smithon [sic]; married by Justice of Peace at 4’o clock; Hy. Armstutz was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then went to Waterloo, to Burksville to Fred Fauss sale, Mrs. John Reheis brother; Uncle Fred got picture frames, that’s all. This evening they came back again, & we all went to Kammler’s Hall to Wagner Wedding dance, rather large crowd, & they received many presents. Harold Birschaer & 2 fellows all from Millstadt accordion, drums, saxphone [sic], furnished musci [sic]. The Wedding cake was placed in the middle of the floor, & they danced around it, the attendants were, her sister with pale blue dress & shoes, & bride wore white dress & shoes & head band; Harold Wagner brother, groomsmen; Sandwiches & cake were handed around; & the men had to march around in a circle & give some thing to help pay expense. The supper was served at the Englerth home, to near relatives; the dance lasted till 1’o clock. We gave a double boiler as a present, Aunt Mary a bed spread.
Friday, April 27, 1934
Pap & Rose went to Belleville with some more hogs. Seen in the paper that Roy Cameron a farm hand, now near Belleville, but formerly worked for Ald. Rittmeyer was married to a girl near Belleville on last Mar. 15. at Carlye Ill. by Justice of Peace. Got $3.55, for hogs. 475 lb. they brought some beef along 12¢ lb. sure high, to what hogs are. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heyl stopped in. Ben took a look at the hogs; but to high price for him. Mr. Ralph Collei of Waterloo, Insurance Agent, gave us a call told us his wife Manda came back to him, & also Mark he was gone 6 mon. & in 13 states; he went to Washington, first place; the girls are going to high school in St. Louis. A man here wanted a pair socks, we gave him some old ones; he was walking from Belleville, wanted to go to Red Bud, said his feet were sweating & wanted a pair dry socks. Milton Wagner, brought the beef sack, here & invited us to his Wedding dance next Sat. in Kammlers Hall. It was in the paper that Hy. Wedel Jr. was granted a divorce from his wife Leona Mueller. Prestitzle & his wife’s case was in court, too for divorce but it is dropped. Omer Schilling birthday.
Thursday, April 26, 1934
Rain this morning, just what we need; a all day rain. Jonny Reheis was here on business this afternoon. Papa took eggs up; got 12¢. August Mueth of Mascoutha [sic] was taken to Hospital at Belleville, but is now removed home again, he has his hip injured, was pinned between a car & shoe store over there, the paper says. Some of the ladies in town are helping to quilt by Mrs. Hugo Probst, on a quilt, was is to be raffled at the Firemen’s dance on May 19 in Kammlers Hall. Mrs. Wm. Fritsche donated it.
Thursday, March 8, 1934
Snowed last night. We made ice cream this morn. Rosalia took eggs up got shipstuff got 15¢ for eggs at Eichenseer’s. We got cheese again from Mertz. The Y.P.L. are having a euchre in Kammlers Hall tonite; not a very big crowd, I don’t imagine, we didn’t go. George Wagner was here, says he will butcher Sat. if weather permits.
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1933
It is awful cold, had ice last night; The Evangical [sic] League have Euchre, pinochle, bluey & dance in Kammlers Hall to nite. Buddy Ettling was here last night, wanted papa to help him bring the heifers up today. Papa went out to Henry’s, Ettling couldn’t bring them because they had to go St. Louis to a funeral, this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rosalia & Tillie went to the euchre, Rose got pillow cases; Aunt Mary got plates glass. Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic] for the dance, also 2 Skaers boy’s; it was an awful large crowd, the tables where fill in euchre & pinochle, & they had to get more chairs to play bluey, just crowded & not many prices [sic – prizes]. Adm. 25¢.
Wednesday, May 17, 1933
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, brought tomato & cabbage plants along; for Leona. Henry & family came to. & also Bill & Mike, Creses & Mrs. Al Scheinder & her boy. Creses, Rosalia & Bertille went to the baseball dance in Kammler’s hall. They pulled our machine in to Waterloo, behind Bill’s; he is going to finished it in there. Papa went over to Meng’s awhile this morn. eggs are 9¢.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1932
It is cool this morn, after the rain yesterday. Bertille went to the dentist this morn, got one finished & this afternoon got 3 more filled, & he cleaned them too, for $11.50. Septore from E. St. Louis stopped again & took 6 doz. eggs along, 25¢ doz. The Evangelical Ladies Aid are having a euchre at Kammler’s Hall this eve. We all went, 25¢ don. [donation] We went up to Mamie’s first & she went along over. Papa & Rosalia got prizes, a dish, & lemon squeezer, Papa had 5 points & Rosalia 7, Bertille 4 & Mamie had 4. It wasn’t a very large crowd at all. 11 tables in euchre, & about 25 bluey players. It started in to rain after we got home. Papa got Int. from Hempe.
Monday, Oct. 24, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out Henry’s to get the mules. We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a few minutes, they where down at Joe Gregson’s got some pullets 9¢ lb 7 she gave us some rose bushes to plant out. They rang over the lines this evening for a political meeting to be held at Kirsch School tomorrow nite, with free warm lunch, & for a euchre in Kammler’s Hall Wed. nite Adm. 25¢.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1932
We washed, ironed. Papa is fixing us a table for flowers. Mr. Jung our egg man was here, but he only wanted to pay 22¢ so we didn’t give him our eggs, cause there that here in the store. There was a man here from Dupo wanted to sell fish @ 20 lb. we didn’t take any. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve, then we all went to the Democratic meeting in Kammler’s Hall. The Prairie Band of 6 piece furnished the musci [sic], Mr. A. D. Riess of Red Bud addressed the meeting, & Mr. A. A. Brands, & Harry Jackson were the speakers, lunch, of beef sandwiches, & soda. About 400 people where there, from all over. Henry was up to, he brought some potatoes here.
Sunday, Nov. 8, 1931
We went to church at Waterloo. Then went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper, from there drove up to Ettling’s, to see if they could help dig a pond tomorrow, then went to see Henry’s & then Uncle Adam’s, to get his scraper. Sig Dudenhoeffer & co from St. Louis where out at Henry’s, awhile yesterday. Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Dance tonight. Peter Melody’s playing, it was a pretty good crowd.
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