We baked pumpkin pies, cake, for celebrating Bertille’s birthday tonight. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, Uncle Fred & Papa went to see Hempe’s & Kelley. Aunt Mary & Bertille went over by Mrs. Stauenfbiel we got a slip rosebush from her a pink one. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper & this eve. Henry & family came, played cards. Henry lost a little heifer today, Johnson Bro. got it. Tonight is talking movi pictures in the School Hall & Baseball Club has a dance in Kammler’s Hall.
Thursday, Oct. 29, 1931
We fried down a ham & a qt. saussage [sic]. Henry sold everything in Waterloo last eve, all but a piece backbone, 2 bacons, shoulder, for 20 & 15¢. Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon, & the kids stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took some more turnips out, sold 1 bu. to Hy. Meng in trade with a bu. of sweet potatoes, for 50¢ bus. both of them. There was a man here from Et. St. Louis & asked permission to leave his truck & a load of posts here, he had a flat tire & couldn’t get none at the store, so they unloaded the posts & left the truck here. The egg man paid us 24¢. We sold 63# Sprs. for 13¢ lb, Rosalia took them up. She bought a lb. butter olea & got a towel along free, butter was 20¢. This evening we all went up town, Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Hall to the dance given by the baseball club. There wasn’t many there left them in free, then afterwords started charging 25¢ so we left. Where home at 9 o’clock. Bill Herzog & orchestra played. Sure nice musci [sic].
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1931
We all went out to Henry’s today, for dinner, & lunch, he butchered a pig, he returned 17 lbs. to us what he got last summer. The rest of it he is going to take to Waterloo & sell it out this evening. They have a Halloween party in Hecker tonight, the Y.P.L. in Kammler’s hall giving a dance & also one in the new school hall. The Public School had there’s this afternoon. It was a masquerade ball in the new school just for the young ones.
Sunday, Oct. 25, 1931
We went to Waterloo church this morning to hear the new organ, & they have 2 weeks mission starting today. This week for the women & next for the men. We went to George Boll’s shooting match but didn’t win a thing, there wasn’t much of a crowd there, he had 11 geese & a few ducks to raffle. Fred Schaefer was here this morn. to collect his threshing bill, papa paid him $1.85, for Henry. Harry Kammler has a dance tonight, Peter Bros. playing Thurs. night. The Hecker baseball club is giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Herzog Orchestra.
Thursday, Oct. 22, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day, cleaned there garden. They had chicken soup dinner with us. Papa shocked the last of our popcorn today. There where 2 ladies here this afternoon wanted to buy some White Rock hens, but we won’t sell any of ours now. George Emery when coming home from the dance at Brezzy [sic] hill the other night ran in the ditch by Parker’s, he was sleeping, he smashed his car, the radiator especially. Henry & family came up this evening after there a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Herzog Orchestra.
Monday, Oct. 12, 1931
This week there is a Mystic Western Show & vaudeville in Kammler’s Hall, all week, adm. 10 & 25¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & Papa went to Waterloo on business. They heard Mrs. Hempe had died & was buried this morn. at Tiptown. Rev. Fr. Beelman also was buried this morn. at Belleville, he was at present pastor of St. at Elizabethtown, & a few years back was at Paderborn. The children of the paraochial [sic] school where dismissed today, on account of Coloumbus [sic] Day. It rained mostly all day. The egg man stopped but didn’t take the eggs today, he had too many, we had 12 doz. for him, so will have to save them for Thurs.
Wednesday, April 22, 1931
Bertille baked molasses cookies, & Rosalia is shelling corn this morning. Papa went out to Henry’s to help him measure for a milk house, he wants to make it in the back porch, they say its allright that way. This afternoon Papa & Henry went to Belleville to get the lumber for it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening for the euchre & dance given by the Y.P.L. in Kammlers Hall. Bill Herzog & his brother Ray furnished the musci [sic], 10 games in Euchre where played Uncle Fred had 6 points & got a Jar of Honey Aunt Mary had 6, & got a pan & a lid, Bertille had 6 got a potato masher. Rosalia had 3 points. Wm. Sensels the assessor was here & sessed Uncle Fred’s property.
Sunday, Feb. 15, 1931
Papa went to church this morning the rest of us didn’t go. Tonight the Ladies Aid is giving a euchre & Bluey in Kammler’s Hall. There is also one in Tiptown & tomorrow night the Catholics got one. A rush before lent. Schneiders got the measles also. The way they say. Roy Staunebiels kids & Cletus Reagan also got the measles now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Armstutz before the euchre tonight, because we got the measles here. Rosalia is feeling alright but the measles ain’t gone away yet. There were 18 tables tonight at the euchre and Bluey.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1930
We washed this morning & hung it in the basement. It is awful cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Tonight the Y.P.L. is to have their play in Kammler’s Hall, the name is “Dangerous Waters.” It was pretty nice, the characters were: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Henry Spalt, Henry Keorber, Milton Wagner, Ralph & Clarence Rausch, Flossie Kammler, Katy Keorber, Alvera Jatho, Marcella Ettling. Karl Boll made it thunder & lightnin’ & rain. The reserved seats were all taken. Henry Wiedeman & Woods furnished the music, accordion & violin. Henry came up this evening, he is going to butcher tomorrow.
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