We pappered [sic] the front room. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & Leona helped; had dinner & duck supper, it weighed 5½ lbs. We went to the Democratic Meeting at Kammler’s tonite, speakers H. Jackson, Burk of Kansas. Davis of Muryphsboro [sic], had talkie picture & free beer, surely was a crowd, had a speaker, microphone, carried far; the hall was packed & other time as many out side they said, beer in all [illegible].
Saturday, April 27, 1935
Strawed potatoes, cleaned chicken house. Papa got the chev. again this afternoon, all fixed up, new oil rings, etc. greased & labor, all $8.00. Omer Schilling is giving a birthday dinner at Paulters Hall to nite, gents 25 ladies free; Moonlight Orch.; playing; we went in, & Boy! was it a crowd. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon & got his hog check cashed $33.58. Sure some dust, today, it is terrible in Kansas dust storms.
Friday, Aug. 10, 1934
Baking bread. Put the new tires on the Whip. Went out to Uncle Fred’s, looked at his implements, that he wants to sell. It sure was hot this afternoon 106 at Eichenseers, in the paper it was that 350 persons died from heat in 24 hrs, the hospitals are all filled up, the water is low all over, especially in Kansas, Chicago; it was 115.
Thursday, July 26, 1934
No threshing this morning. Papa & Rose went to Waterloo load wheat. Sure was some awful hot days the last while; 110 & 112 in the shade, hottest & dryest [sic] year, in 32 & 36 yrs. ago. In Kansas, it must be terrible, stock all dying; 3700 cows & calf were brought to E. St. Louis Stockyards yesterday, some so weak & they shot them right away. People are dying from the heat, the paper says 510 so far, from different states, one place it rained so much that 28 acres bottom corn, all washed out. Dillinger the gangster was shot to death now, while coming out a theather [sic] Sun. night. Frank Dudenhoeffer’s of Oklahoma, nee Lizzie Mueth, are visiting relatives here, since last Friday, leaving Sun; We went out threshing, at Henry’s, had them for lunch; got 128 bus. oats our share. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also there; came home through town. Watermelon in town.
Monday, April 16, 1934
We washed, ironed, patched, cooked kettle soap, finished now. A man was here wanted to buy old gold rings etc, we had none. Lester Gregson was here, electioneering, tomorrow is town election. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s wanted to haul load wheat to Waterloo, but couldn’t get in the yard so came back again, then went over to New Athens got some cement & nail kegs empty ones, seen Ike Napier over there at the lumber yard where he is working. Nice day. Rose took 21 doz. eggs up. 13¢. Bertille wrote a letter to Kansas, joined in the cake & cookie contest to be over Apr. 30, sent recipes.
Thursday, Aug, 10, 1933
Schiders putting up hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped clean dishes & things at the school house for pinic [sic] next Sat. In Ruma there is a big pinic today, mass was said out in the woods; lot of cars & priest went down this morning. There was a man here from Kansas trying to sell dry goods, shirts 19¢, etc, he brought some of his dress goods in & showed it to us, $1.95 for 3½ yds, we didn’t buy none, & papa & Uncle Fred wanted to buy sheets, he was so mad, said he had no more time to talk had to hurry & get out so they never got no shirts either; Boy! was he mad. I say he was. Canned 2 qts tomatoes, we have 111 qts now. It rained a little.
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