So dark & cloudy this morn & raining heavy. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed curtains; This afternoon at 3 o clock, had such a heavy hail storm, for about 1/2 hr. or longer; & down by Walter Gregsons, terrible cyclone went through, blew part of the house & barn in, they say, lot of people from town here, went to see it. Its Kaufman’s at Waterloo, he just build it up last fall. new home. Pap went to Smithton, bank & to see Ed. Heap; came home before the hail.
Sunday, Oct. 13, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here a little after church, most beautiful day; so warm. We went to Oak Grove to a free dance; nice time, large crowd; Blossom City played. Wm. Kaufmann of Waterloo was here, to see about a paint job.
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