Leona & Billy came, had dinner; remodeled her dresses. Henry brought the tractor & started plowing, it rained heavy couldn’t make hay; had lunch, Richard is out again to; was here. Seen in the Waterloo paper Vincent Walsh & Helen Keckritz were married Aug. 8 in St. Louis. Archie Wiehl has a little baby girl.
Friday, Sept. 22, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, took some tomatoes along, & got wheat & milk. We are cooking catsup & pear preserve. The hard road gang are up at Gus Keckritz’s now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Chas. Jung brought the balance what he owed us. News from the Times, Louis Lenhardt sold his property to Hy. Eichelman Sr, who will now be residents of Waterloo, & Lenhardt bought P & H Lumber Co. house.
Friday, Jan. 2, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn. & Papa went out to Oscar Birkner’s. This afternoon he went out in the woods. Fr. Grootens & Frank Swindle were here this evening & looked at our new pigs, they said “they are sure nice.” H.M. Hill was reporting the news to the Belleville Papers that the Hecker bank shut its doors. I seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Helen Keckritz & a Cowell from Red Bud had a collision & Miss Keckritz machine got on fire & was completely pushed off the road & all damaged, it happened between Red Bud & Waterloo, she & a few more friends were going to the Brickey School, when the accident happened. I believe she has a new Whippet now. Emmett Cowell of Red Bud, the store manager of there was fined $102 (he had no license) for buying furs of a certain kind. Robert Basecher 19 of Red Bud & Miss Fern Gully 20 of the same place were married last week. Dr. Fentor also of Waterloo was in a collision in E. St. Louis & Mr. & Mrs. Fenton & their niece was hurt seriously. Henry Kessler of Hecker has just passed his 70th birthday anniversary & says he is going to withdraw from the Woodmen.
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