Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get the harness & plow, he traded his horse to Kelley for 2 horses & hay; he brought the horses yesterday & got a load of how & today he said he was coming after the rest. Emil was here & him & papa started the team out in a plow, some circus. Ed. Meng was also here. Clifford brought there horse over & took the saddle horse & went riding. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to help make hay. They where here for lunch. They brought Mr. Gambach home this evening & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, the paper states he took cresote [sic – creosote], Mrs. found him at 7 o’clock in the barn lying face downwards.
Sunday, May 8, 1932
Josie Gregson’s birthday. We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this morning awhile & this afternoon they went to see Louis Birkner’s, Edmund Eckert is getting better they said there, they came back here again & Uncle Adam & Emil was also here, they all had lunch. Abromse [?] Doyle & Joe Kelley & son & Paul Poney where here looked at the colts. Josie Keller & girl friend Miss Mckurns from St. Louis came, Josie has a new Chev. coupe, they had supper here also Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, they took Aunt Mary along down to see Lizzie Boll. About 7:30 they left for St. Louis again, she just got her new car Tues. Lena Meng was here, Josie gave her a ride when they went home, took her along a far as Stehfest corner, Lena went to get the milk. Ed. Burke & family came to look at the colts. Two fellows from Fateyville [sic – Fayetteville] wanted to buy small pigs, where here, company all day, 16 in all.
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1931
We baked pumpkin pies, cake, for celebrating Bertille’s birthday tonight. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, Uncle Fred & Papa went to see Hempe’s & Kelley. Aunt Mary & Bertille went over by Mrs. Stauenfbiel we got a slip rosebush from her a pink one. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper & this eve. Henry & family came, played cards. Henry lost a little heifer today, Johnson Bro. got it. Tonight is talking movi pictures in the School Hall & Baseball Club has a dance in Kammler’s Hall.
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