There is telephone general election this afternoon, we heard, Mrs. Dueker has an application in for the board, & 2 others, but old officers & Liz Boll were reelected. There is a sale at the Public School, old chairs & benches, school desks, piano Wm. Birkner got for $2.25 to make butchering table. Rob Laut got hay. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & son & Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Laut & son, were visiting here this evening, the men enjoyed in a solo game & ladies pinochle; what a time. Mrs. Watchel held 1500 trumps in diamonds. Miss Edith Klinckhadt is employed as wash maid at Roy Staufenbiel. All getting along O.K.
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