Francis Eichenseer was here & looked if he should get here with his truck, he is going to bring a load afterwhile. Papa is going to Waterloo & to Ed. Rehlings to see the building of a straw hen house, he said there were a good many people there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Rosalia & Bertille had lunch over there. We picked 2 sacks full green tomatoes & they took them along for Ronnerberg. Odillo & Wilfred onloaded the coal, 100 bus. $13.00. Mrs. Kock is having a birthday celebration tonight at Coxeyville, we didn’t go, we had an invitation & it was also in the paper.
Monday, Sept. 19, 1932
Mr. Willie Ganley was here this morning, but papa was at the molasses factory, so he walked down there. Mr. Chas. Fleckestine passed away Sat. & will be buried this afternoon, leaving the house at 2 o’clock, then to the cemetery, Hecker, with services at the home. We cleaned the chicken house put straw, in the nests. We shocked & cut our corn all this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, they brought potatoes for Braun’s, they stayed a little while. George Boll came & looked at our cow & calf, he has one he might trade. Henry & family where up got whey & tomatoes. Mrs. Kock invited her, & all of us to come to Coxeyville to her birthday dance Oct. 6.
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1931
Papa is hauling wood today. The bells where tolling this morn. at our church for the first time, for Mrs. William Braun, she died this morn. around 6 o clock at the Belleville Hospital. Kock got her from there & took her to Red Bud & fixed her up, brought her home around 1o o clock, Henry & Leona, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went down to see her this evening, there wasn’t many people there because they didn’t bring her home till late. They have 7 children, oldest is 13 & youngest 4. Joe Watchels have a little baby boy born Sun. 6 Sept. Lester Gregson’s have a little boy since last week Thurs. 2 [crossed out] or 3 Sept, they christined [sic] it Virgil Lee, Lee Gregson & Agnes where sponsors. Jack & Willie Ganley & Fr. Grooten where by Hill’s this evening.
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