Uncle Fred came brought Aunt Mary up for the Ladies Convention to be held at the School Hall, with dinner 50¢ a plate & program this afternoon. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Henry’s sawed wood this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to the Dentist, Rose got 1 pulled & 1 filled Berti got 1 filled. Richert of Dupo was here this morning, engaged 2 hogs for 2 weeks & bought 2 pigs from Henry $2.00 a p. [a piece]. Mr. Edgar Wittenauer & Miss Alsace Eckert are giving a free birthday dance in Kammlers Hall tonite; rang over lines, everybody invited. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, there were so many ladies at the hall today, over 200, for dinner was served, chicken, dressing, peas, turnips, mashed potatoes, cake, cranberries on lettuce & ice cream, ice water & coffee; a big day was had; a quilt was raffled to a Lenzburg lady. We all went to the dance, nice crowd, Koehler’s Orch, in which Edgar plays drums. Rather cold again, froze ice last few nights.
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, had chicken soup dinner with us, cleaned the garden & things. All nite dance at Breezy, Koehlers Ors. $4 attendance prize, tonite, 5 wedding ann. Oak Grove.
Sunday, June 11, 1933
Today is band concert in Smithon [sic], & the News Democrat Corres. was to have there pinic [sic] at Daab’s ClubHouse but was given up now on account of the concert. there is pinic [sic] & cold supper here, given by the Evangical [sic] church; we went down awhile, watch the ball game between Red Bud & Hecker, the latter won 5 to 3; there wasn’t much doing at the pinic [sic] in the afternoon, everybody was at Smithon [sic]; at the band concert; the Koehler’s Orch. furnished music for the pinic [sic], Casper Koehler, Rahn, Cowell, Auelibou, are in the band. Uncle Fred won the quilt that was raffled, & a dandy. Bertille got pair pillow cases at playing bluey. Ed Schilling was published for 3 times & wedding will be Wed. morn. 8 o’clock at Red Bud dance at Oak Grove in the evening. Mamine Mueth & Bess Hillmer where published 1st time in Waterloo.
Monday, June 5, 1933
We washed, ironed, quilt, & warm. Oh! My! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, eggs are 6¢ by Brauns & 7 by Eichenseers, this evening, Rosalia took 12 doz. up. We went up to the corner listened to the musci [sic], Koehler’s Orch. gave a dance in Kammlers Hall, Adm. 25¢. There where about half dozen couples there, some dance, whoopee!
Friday, May 15, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went down to the truck patch this morning, & this afternoon went out to Henry’s to get a load of oats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again this afternoon to work there potatoes. They where here for lunch. Mr & Mrs. Louis Birkner where by them today. We planted our cabbage & tomato plants out this evening. We all went to the show, we took the car, we could see nice from there. The [racial slur omitted] Jake gave Ed. Koehlers boy a 50¢, him & Walter Braun, each had a pan of bread & milk, they had to feed one another with the spoon, the one that ’emptied’ the bowl first was the winner. Emmy Eckert received the blanket. The name of there play was The “Doctor’s Shop.”
Wednesday, March 25, 1931
Bertille was at church this morning. Papa went out to help Uncle Joe sawed wood today on Henry place for dinner because he was sick. We cleaned the yards today. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up us there went to church. Mrs. Koeller of New Athens died. Mrs. Maggie Groosheim is awful sick. We cooked a kettle of soap today.
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