It rained nearly all day, getting colder. We went to the dentist, Rose got another pulled; & Boy! was it one. Mr. Adam Eishenauer, now of Belleville died yesterday afternoon, he formerly lived in Hecker, was trustee for several years. Miss Katie Koerber youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Koerber of Prairie Du Long, celebrated her 22 yr. birthday at her home Sun, & the engagement was also announced to Mr. John Weber, second oldest son of Willie Weber, the marriage to take place next June; the paper says.
Sunday, July 30, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, lunch. It is rather warm again today. We went early to church, had a blow out coming home close to Chas Helfrichs, changed tires & came on. Fred Papenberg got a new chev & Oscar Birkners a used Ford, all close cars. There must be some thieves around Hecker, Hugo Probst got $10 stolen, Wagners got all the ripe & green plums stolen. Lester Gregson moved from the Gambach place to his own that he bought on East Main St. & Mr. & Mrs. Willie Gregson moved in Gambach property. We had our first roasting ears corn for dinner. The pallbearers from Aunt Lizzie where, Emil Brand, Ben Schilling, Hy Eichelman, Edwin & Willie Reheis, Fred Wiegand. The Heyl’s relatives have basket pinic [sic] at the Round Prairie Park, in honor of Mrs. Kessler from Alba. The threshing crew of Oscar Klotz’s have chicken bouilion, at Sam Krehers woods. It is in the paper that Lavern Koerber 23 & Irene Neff 21 where married at Red Bud by Rev. Stern in Catholic parsonage, Mary Havey & Paul Neff where attendats; last Wed. Roller skates & bicycle riding is the latest in Hecker at present. Mr. Rettinhouse is very bad expecting to live only couple days. We have 2 qts tomatoes canned so far, Mrs. John Reheis has 28 qts. & ain’t near finished yet.
Saturday, June 17, 1933
Papa & Rosalia hauled 2 loads of wheat yesterday, one to Waterloo got 65¢ & to Red Bud 66¢. We went to Mrs. Frank Metzgers sale bought 60¢, Leona got washing machine 10¢. George Wiegand 37 & Alma Koerber 30 are getting married at 1:30 in Smithon [sic] parsonage, Ralph Weigand & Adelia Kooerber are best, the wedding dinner will be held at Louis Koerber’s. Mr. Alois Rheinhardt St. of Paderborn, is being buried this morn, Clifford called in awhile this evening. We went over to Steve Renneckers. Melvin Wagner is 4 yrs. old today. Awful hot.
Monday, June 1, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s he has to help with the hay again, & she went along to get a load of corn. They where there for dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & from here they went to Mrs. Henry Keorber’s funeral, then they went to Belleville. This evening they came up & put there window shades on. We all drove out to there place & got there furniture, & stored it in there house here. Henry was here & cutting hay this afternoon, he was here for lunch. Eggs are 13¢. Today was wash & iron day. Rosalia & Bertille washed windows, scrubbed floors in Uncle Fred’s house this afternoon.
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