Saturday, Aug. 14, 1937

Made catsup, canned 3 qts. tomatoes. Went to Red Bud to Beckers Mill got check cashed, got new fan belt put in Chev. $1. went to Paul Crook looking for pigs, but were just delivered this morn. went through Tipton to Pluegers, but he moved last Sat; doesn’t live there any more, moved 10 miles away; went to Waterloo to church. Henry & boys were up this afternoon got wagon; last nite they were at Waterloo big W.L.S. Show at Pautlers Hall; I had forgotten all about it. Send bu. peaches small ones with Henry; pap picked 2 bu. little more. got in mushmellons & 1 watermellon [sic]. Hugo Probst is building new house on his lot, tore the old one away; also J. Kreher’s, Siedle is building that, contract job; but Probst just day labor. J. Reheis, Klein etc. We went over to Geo. Wagners awhile. Mary & Anita were out to. Clif Stahleber had a accident with his motorcycle at Pautlers, back wheel locked through [sic – threw] him quite a distance; hurt pretty bad.

Monday, July 26, 1937

Went out to Henry’s threshing wheat, got 725 bus. our share is 241 bus. Pap paid Geo. Schilling lumber sawing 2067 ft. @ 90¢ $22.40. Pap & Leo hauled the wheat home from out there. Dr. Miller came vaccinated our hogs $3.00 – for 8 pigs & sow – 25¢ pig. There is so much cohlera [sic] going around. Sam Krehrer [sic – Kreher] is sick & several more. Olive brought coop down going to ship 3 doz. springs tomorrow ; with Mertz. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all helped at Henrys threshing, 2 lunches & dinner. Birkners had to go to Franks threshing for supper.

Monday, July 27, 1936

Just 3 yrs. today of Aunt Lizzie death. We washed, ironed. Herb. Probst & C. Kreher are hulling clover seed here today, got 12 sacks in all. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, Bert went along to Waterloo with Uncle, took ride in the new car. Wheat just $1. Geo. Geodelle & Eichelmann were here, trying to get signers to buy a fire engine to protect the surrounding of Waterloo, like for Henry and there; we didn’t sign yet. They each will give $10. E. Hartmann give $50; cause Waterloo won’t go out of town with them.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935

Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.

Sunday, December 1, 1935

Advent. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. Fourth’s of Tiptown was here, looked at hiefers [sic] & colt. John Myerscough also came to see them; him & papa went out to see the horses at Henry’s. The Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving here brought in clear $153; he says success. Oscar Birkner had the baby christened Fri; sponsors Ben Schilling Cecelia Krehrer; named it Muriel Cecelia. Pretty cold tonite, freezing hard.

Monday, July 22, 1935

We washed, ironed, rain all afternoon, no threshing. Hy. Bruns was here, papa paid him $1.90 for hauling clover seed 19 sacks @10¢. Ed & Emery Kreher & Jake Neff was here. Emery is looking for a horse; he just lost one. Berti took the yeast over to Wagner’s & she gave us cucumbers to eat; to make salad. Sure good. Eggs 19¢.

Sunday, April 28, 1935

Went to Red Bud; they made $80. clear at the card party Tues. nite. We went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Mr. John & Sam Krehrer, were also there, looked at implements etc. We went to Pautler at Waterloo tonite, free double birthday dance, musci [sic] by Cowboy’s, nice crowd, there was a wedding dance at Dreamland, Mueller & Shewer Jr. It rained nearly all evening. Ed Fahey said Martin May turned his car over last night at Vanburen’s, 5 in the car, went to Waterloo to get Rose, & going home, car came out Vanburens lane, & collision, May’s car is a total wreck, took Martin to the doctor, man from Renault was driving, Rose has scratches & bruised a little; that is the third car he wrecked in a short time. Mr. Robert Probst is having a dance at Manier’s tonite, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Adm. 25¢.

Sunday, March 31, 1935

Went to church, colder again today, made fire in furnace again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile then went home. Frieda Buehler called, & wanted to know if they were staying in Hecker, so most probably they will be having company today. We ate our first lettuce yesterday, dinner & supper, & today again. Boy! does it taste good. We brought Agnes Krehrer along from Red Bud, she told us that they were invited to Chas. Hepp’s this afternoon. Mildred was giving a surprize [sic] shower for Melba who is to be married to a Liefer in June. There has been 40 hr. Devotion at Waterloo these days, the closing tonite. In Chicago they had snow; yesterday. There was a collision in Hecker, in front of the church, Pete Kaiser & Frank Birkner, being Kaiser’s fault, he turned on to the road when Frank was passing, no one hurt, but cars damaged, Kaiser is going to settle it all, he just has a new V8 Ford, about a week, & now wrecked; Birkner’s fenders were torned [sic] lose, in Probst’s garage now. We went to Waterloo, attended 40 hr. Devotion, the church was filled; about 12 priests present, procession of girl’s & boy’s, priests.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1935

Baked cookies, sewed aprons & curtains. Bernice Wagner got 1 doz. eggs. Mr. George Purtle & wife came looked at our incubator of 100 egg, bought it $3.00, went to E. St. Louis, take it along when they came back. Ray Vogt land agent of Waterloo, stopped in on a short call this afternoon. We went out to Uncle Freds this eve;  about 7 o clock, it started in raining & got so terrible windy, we went home, a limb was blown down in front of J. Kreher Sr., across the road, had to clear it away, before we could pass there, but it turned out to be a nice evening, moon & stars came out, & beautiful.

Sunday, Feb. 10, 1935

Went to Red Bud. It is cloudy again today. Art Schaefer & Clarance Kreher came here & gave us an invitation to Kammler’s Hall tonite, for surprise Agnes on her birthday anniversary. Jerry Neff is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, Adm. 25¢ for gents, ladies free. Musci [sic] by Cowboys of Rythmn [sic]. The tea set given away at Connor’s City Grocery was won by Mrs. Ed Rehling. We went to Waterloo to Jerry’s birthday, nice crowd, Neffs family where also in; we stopped at Kammlers on the way home, a little while, also had a nice crowd, Schoenborn & Schaefer playing & Helfrich boys of Paderborn & Birkner boys had a little scrap, one had his shirt all torn, they came to Waterloo after that, they had it in the saloon; they also passed cake around; here.