Friday, April 21, 1933

Jonny Krehre’s [sic- Kreher] had a dance last night, celebrating Authur [sic] Schaefer’s birthday which was yesterday & Mrs. John Krehers last Mon; we have no invititation [sic]. Mr. George Boll & Karl where here got a fat hog, to butcher today; it weighed 242 lbs. & $3.50, $8.45 all cash. Papa went to Red Bud & bought lumber for corn crib, & coal 4 bus. 2@17½¢. & dried skim milk. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s got some oats & helped in the garden. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goessling of Waterloo have a little baby girl, they just have a pair. Omer Schilling has a birthday dance advertised, for Apr. 29 Sat. at Oak Grove. There was a diregible [sic] flew over this morning right low. The other day there was an airplane landed near Valeymeyer [sic] on Schaefer’s farm, & burned up. completely, 4 persons all from Arksasas [sic – Arkansas], the remains where taken to Wagner & Herman funerl [sic] home. Miss Alberta Heyl, Albert’s daughter is switch board operator in Waterloo now, taking the place of Miss Marie Gentsh who is taking the place of Ruth Olendorph, who recently on Easter Sun. got married to Morris Binder also working at the switch board. A Sign was put up in West end Hecker today saying “Road Closed.” It rained all night.

Thursday, Jan. 26, 1933

We are smoking our summer saussage [sic] again. It is awful windy today. We fixed on our machines, put the new license on. Henry brought a load of corn up. Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Bill Reisfchender of Waterloo where here & looked at our mules; eggs are 10¢ today. the Salvation Army men, where going around begging & playing musci [sic], I don’t think they got very much. We went to Aunt Marys birthday, 56 yrs. old. dancing & singing where the main features, cake & doughnuts where served to the following people, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Parker & family, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Henry, Willie, Oscar, Birkner’s & family, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Birkner, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Armstutz; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brand & family, Adam Eckerts family, Schaefers, Krehres, Papenbergs, Parkers, Robert Probst, Jerome, Hillsheim, Wilfred & Leo Cortner, Loraine & Edwin Neff, Clem Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Ignatz Neff. Oliver Kuehn. It started in raining & wind got to the north, & it sure did get cold. Philip Meuth got the priest out home, some one must be sick. Bill Haudrich of Red Bud had a little baby last Thurs. Jan. 19. Emil Haudrich & Elizabeth Buss where baptism sponsors. It is a little boy. Mr. Ferd. Vogt & Miss Mary Kroll of Hecker, graduated nurse & daughter of Mrs. Agnes Kroll where married Mon. morning at 6’o clock mass, they will make there future home in Waterloo.

Thursday, Nov. 24, 1932

We had chicken soup for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud to the Wedding high mass at 9’o clock, the couple was from Valeymer [sic], & also priest, the bride wore white dress & veil & carried white roses, the bridesmaid wore blue dress & ribbon & carried yellow roses. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Becthlofft are being married in Hecker with a wedding dance in the hall tonight. We are invited to Chas. Hellfrich’s to a birthday party tonite, Mrs. Helfrich’s & Mrs. Ed. Krehrer birthday’s; we all went down there, all the Birkner’s, & Jeff Bell furnished musci [sic], an a crowd & fun. Oh! Boy; cake, beer, wine were served, Hecker, Paderborn, Waterloo, Red Bud, St. Louis, people where all there. They said the wedding dance in the hall wasn’t much, Irene Reheis Orchestra of Belleville played; not crowded at all. Joe Griffin was best man, & her sister & best girl friend & maid of honor. The bride had white dress & veil, & others green, & coral pink; they had a white cloth laid all the way to the alter to walk on; the bride was taken to the coumion [sic – communion] railing by her father, & the girls followed & Frank & the boys came in the side door, everything up to the minute, 4 priests.

Monday, June 13, 1932

We washed & ironed the truck patch, corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, worked a little while, then got ready for the barn dance at Jonny Kreher, he was supposed to furnish the musci [sic]. eggs 8¢, we took 21 doz. up. Vic Braun was here & brought papa the insurance paper for the house down here.

Tuesday, June 7, 1932

It rained this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up about 3 o’clock, then it started raining again & thunder & heavy lightening, it struck a tree in front of Mrs. Kroll’s house. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Johnny Krehers barn dance was to be an invitation party, we had no call. Henry & family came up this eve, Henry went up to the school house, but there was no meeting. 2 fellows working on the barn roof, they got just half down when it started raining. We sure did have a heavy rain, & wind. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz & got the mower & team, made a couple rounds then it started raining.

Monday, April 18, 1932

We washed, nice day & Christ Buehler was here, this morning, he came to get his shovel, & looked at the colts. Papa went down to see Jos. Gregson but couldn’t make no trade. This afternoon he went out to Henry’s then to Buehler’s. We washed windows & put the screens on this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile this eve, they came from Waterloo, stopped by Henry’s, then came here, they bought a rug for the big room & paint for outside around the rug 12 x 15. They where invited out to Jonny Krehers for birthday party but didn’t go. we didn’t have not invitation. Jonny Wuertz was here & looked at our colts.

Friday, Jan. 29, 1932

Vic Eichenseer was here & delivered some articles, flour etc. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Armstrutz where here this evening, playing 5 hand pinochle, Bertille had 1500 spade. The nurse was at the Paroachial  [sic] School & sent John Krehers, Nic Schaefers & Will Braun’s, children home because they had scarlet fever & also quarrantined [sic] them. Melburn Miller got pulled in for making whiskey & beer.

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1931

Papa went up town this morn.  He was talking to Adam Eckert & he says he lost about 31 hogs, every one he had, so he bought 3 from Wm. Naiser.  Just everybody is losing hogs, Ben Rausch had his vaccinated & still lost one.  Ed Parker lost some vaccinated, Sam Krehress are sick, the truck from Belleville are out everyday getting some in.  We washed, ironed, patched today, for once it didn’t rain, we had several showers during the night.  Ed Meng was here awhile.  Henry  & family came up & brought some potatoes along, to cook tomatoes home to make catsup with.

Thursday, July 2, 1931

We finished digging our potatoes this morning, it was nice & cool.  Joe Schilling started thrashing his wheat today.  Ed Wittenauer’s is also thrashing wheat.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, they sold there onions, 90¢ a bu. they had 3 bus., sold them to Braun’s.  We got a letter from Burkhardt, receiver of Hecker Bank, a check for $9.75, paying out 15¢ [possibly mean percent] now, to everybody.  Emery Kreher’s baby died, 10 mos. old & was buried at Paderborn.  In today’s paper was that 500 people died at Chicago.  It is clouding up again, for rain, & it came.  Rosalia got some ice cream this evening, it sure was good.

Tuesday, May 26, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville this morning with our 2 hogs.  They left about 5:30 got $6.40 a lb for them took them to Streck’s, at Belleville.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this afternoon.  Papa went out this morning to Henry’s to help him with the hay.  He was there for dinner, lunch & supper.  Johnny Krehres boy was here after school & invited us for a dance at there place.  So this evening we all went there & had a good time, the crowd was rather large. They danced in the barn, Herman Kettler furnished the musci [sic].  Today is Pearl Griffin’s birthday, she is 20 yrs. old today.