Went out cutting corn again, 9 shocks this morning, we washed & ironed, this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The fire truck was called out, just at noon, at Maniers Park, Mr. Frank Kroell was burning rubbish, & got away, little damage; got it out right away.
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1935
Canned 2 qts. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s helped put up hay; made 17 loads, stacked; Emil & Clem Parker helped; they had lunches & dinner there. Bert got flower slips from Mrs. Rennecker & Mamie; planted them out. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening & got some from ours. George Lorberg’s have a baby girl born last week; getting along nicely. 3 girl 1 boy. Frank Kroll moved his furniture & family from Al. Monike’s place to upstairs in Manier’s place, couldn’t agree together. Dr. Isselhardt was in Hecker at his office in Kammler’s building, opened up again Wed. from 1 till 4 o clock, every week; Rev. Hosto hit a 80 yr. old man at Mascoutah & killed him, he was only driving 20 mi hr. the policeman saw it also, the man ran in front of his car.
Monday, May 28, 1934
Confirmation in Hecker today. Bischop [sic] comes, Fr.’s Harbaugh says mass with Havey & Schumacher, sub deacons; 40 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, Rosalia & Berti went along up to church, Mrs. Kroll was convert. Henry & Floyd was here for dinner, Leona brought Emil up, made hay this afternoon, all had lunch. didn’t get finished, hauled 2 loads in & took 2 home, so far.
Thursday, March 29, 1934
Holy Thursday. Went to high mass, 9 o’clock, & Aunt Mary was here for breakfast & dinner. Uncle went home, came back again this afternoon & went to Belleville shopping. Rosalia went to Hecker, got 14¢ for eggs, got 50# flour. Mrs. Kroll moved to Waterloo.
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1934
Papa went to see Pete Watchel’s. Harold Wagner was here wanted to sell & take orders for seeds. Ed. Neff 26 & Bertha Helfrich 20 were married at Paderborn Hecker, this morning at 7 o clock mass. Mr. Vogt, Kroll’s son in law will move to Hecker, & is going to start, hauling milk for Peveley Diary [sic], he will come & take the milk right from the house; he told Henry, but Henry had sent to Waterloo, & now he can’t sent none at all till 30 days; he was supposed to give St. Louis Dairy 30 days notice & didn’t do it. Mr. Henry Acker of Lords Corner died this afternoon at 1’o clock will be buried Sun. afternoon, there. Louis Dehn butched [sic] by Renneckers.
Sunday, March 12, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Aunt Mary & Bert went to church this afternoon, Ed Moffitts where there to they where visiting Frank Kroll’s. Mr. Metzger & son from Floraville where here & bought one of four mules $65.00, he made a note on it, & will pay as soon as he gets his cash out of the banks when they open up.
Thursday, Jan. 26, 1933
We are smoking our summer saussage [sic] again. It is awful windy today. We fixed on our machines, put the new license on. Henry brought a load of corn up. Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Bill Reisfchender of Waterloo where here & looked at our mules; eggs are 10¢ today. the Salvation Army men, where going around begging & playing musci [sic], I don’t think they got very much. We went to Aunt Marys birthday, 56 yrs. old. dancing & singing where the main features, cake & doughnuts where served to the following people, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Parker & family, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Henry, Willie, Oscar, Birkner’s & family, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Birkner, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Armstutz; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brand & family, Adam Eckerts family, Schaefers, Krehres, Papenbergs, Parkers, Robert Probst, Jerome, Hillsheim, Wilfred & Leo Cortner, Loraine & Edwin Neff, Clem Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Ignatz Neff. Oliver Kuehn. It started in raining & wind got to the north, & it sure did get cold. Philip Meuth got the priest out home, some one must be sick. Bill Haudrich of Red Bud had a little baby last Thurs. Jan. 19. Emil Haudrich & Elizabeth Buss where baptism sponsors. It is a little boy. Mr. Ferd. Vogt & Miss Mary Kroll of Hecker, graduated nurse & daughter of Mrs. Agnes Kroll where married Mon. morning at 6’o clock mass, they will make there future home in Waterloo.
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went up to get a load of wood this morning, they got 2 loads. Papa went up to Eichenseer’s this afternoon to sugar cured meat for them, mostly for Vic., he put away 14 pieces for them, 12 bones & 2 bacons. Mr. Tecklenburg was here & got 7 doz. eggs. he only paid 22¢, eggs are coming down he says. there are only 19¢ in the stores here. Henry butchered a heifer yesterday & today took it to Waterloo to sell it. Rev. Adyt was at Eliza Boll’s this evening. Frank Kroll is the janitor, fixing & ringing bells. $20.00 mo.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1931
We went to Smithon [sic] church. Aunt Mary went to Hecker, he was pretty loud again today for being sick all week. Bill Freund was here & gave us an invite to George Freund’s Sun. night for a dance. Wiegands boy’s invited us for a dance at the brick house Wed. night. Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie & Angela this afternoon. This evening we went to see Joe Watchel’s little boy, Papa went over to Wagners awhile. They are chivarie Frank Krolls tonight. Edwin Watchel is giving a dance at the brick house tonight. Gus, Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel playing musci [sic].
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