Strawed potatoes. Pap took Henry’s mare home again. Cloudy weather. Jan Erle & guy were here, to look at the Ins. rate. on our house, with there Co. it would be $5.00 cheaper same thing. The Ladies Aid have euchre & lotto for a quilt tonite, we didn’t go. We planted out some more cabbage plants; cut lawn, made flower bed.
Thursday, Feb. 20, 1936
Rose & Berti took the wash out to Henry’s; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, & we went up to the Ladies Aid Euchre in Kammler’s Hall; played bluey for a quilt, dresser scarf, towel for 10¢; Mrs. Rosemeir of Red Bud got the quilt, Mrs. Joe Griffin the scarf, Bert Thompson the towel. Geo. Lorberg attendance prize, pillow cases; we each had 9 points got sauce pans; Uncle & Aunt got nothing had 6 points, the crowd was pretty fair, people from Valmeyer were here; they also had sleeper tickets for themselves, prizes also seperated [sic]. Henry Birkner have a baby girl born on 18 Feb. christened it Louise Maria – Elmer & Bessie sponsors; she is very sick, had the priest out.
Monday, Sept. 30, 1935
We washed, ironed, patched. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church is giving a euchre party at Kammler’s Hall tonite. Werner Kammler is hauling coal in for Geo. Wagner. Al. Eckert had a accident in Belleville Fri. night, fender, & wheel smashed, to the corner to fast & upset on curbing, has the car fixed now. Milton Wagner’s called there little boy Darwin & Geo. Lorbergs called there girl Romona. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo, took papa watch in again & left it there for awhile now; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the euchre, Uncle had 11 & got sauce pan, & Bert had 10 got little rug; not much of a crowd, & no prizes, 7 euchre tables.
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1935
We washed, quilt. Uncle Fred walked home, did some work, all day. Papa went to barber shop, also went to see Stehfest, about selling his hiefer [sic]. Osie Neff was here, said it was all right to cut the tree down, by his road, so I guess he will. Bertille finished at the dentist & paid him $18.00, Rose $8.00 & B [Bertille] $10.00, rather busy today. Rose got 3 pulled & 1 filled & Berti got 3 filled, of which, killed 2 nerves. A guy from Cairo going to Mo. hit Brun’s car last night, in front of Mrs. Ida Bruns house, Machines were wrecked, but are going to be repaired. Lester & Eugene Bruns in the car were cut about the face, & Chas. Wagner also was hurt in chest; Bruns had 2 wheels on hard road, & this other guy was drunk & found a wiskey [sic] bottle in his car; his car was injured; don’t know yet, who will stand charges. Our line has telephone meeting at Hill’s, Mr. Rennecker & papa went over; Elections of officers, still have the same ones. Clara Wagner & kids, came & then George also after the meeting, we played 5 hand pinochle. The Ladies Aid have quilting in the Evangical [sic] Church these days.
Sunday, June 10, 1934
Rose & Bert went to church, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here. Gus Edler was here on business to see Uncle Fred. The Ladies Aid have pinic [sic] & cold supper; & childrens program, we went awhile, in the evening, The Night Hawks of Waterloo, Norman Heyl, etc. played stopped at 8 o’clock, they had to play for free dance in Foster Pond; we walked up to Maniers watched the dance there tonite, a pretty good crowd, Moonlight Orch. playing. John Griffin & Mamie Eichenseer, where the lucky girl winners at pinic [sic]. They had a nice crowd at the pinic [sic], The corespondents [sic] of New Democrat, are having there pinic [sic] at Daab’s Club House at Smithon [sic] today.
Monday, March 20, 1933
It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.
Sunday, Feb. 12, 1933
Lincoln’s birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, they told us to come out there for dinner, so we went out, chicken dinner & supper. We heard the 11 o clock mass over the radio; & some popular tunes from 1926 etc. Willie Heyl’s boy of Waterloo, got killed some time last night, by a train, he was 12 yrs. old. The Ladies Aid are giving a euchre, pinochle & lotto party in Kammler’s Hall tonite. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s & then we went to the euchre, Bertille was the only one of us that got a prize, 9 point got a pair pillowcases. Rosalia had 6. Mamie 8. Uncle Fred 7 & Aunt Mary 8, but they didn’t have no more prize.
Sunday, Feb. 15, 1931
Papa went to church this morning the rest of us didn’t go. Tonight the Ladies Aid is giving a euchre & Bluey in Kammler’s Hall. There is also one in Tiptown & tomorrow night the Catholics got one. A rush before lent. Schneiders got the measles also. The way they say. Roy Staunebiels kids & Cletus Reagan also got the measles now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Armstutz before the euchre tonight, because we got the measles here. Rosalia is feeling alright but the measles ain’t gone away yet. There were 18 tables tonight at the euchre and Bluey.
Sunday, June 8, 1930
Papa & Rosalia & Aunt Mary went to first mass. Bertille, Henry & Leona went to late mass. Henry & family were here for dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home and then came back about 3 o’clock ready for the picnic. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church gave a picnic, & cold supper. We all ate our supper there. Admission 35 cents.
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