Papa got the deed all fixed up, for the land that he bought from Alice Brand for $15.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came about 10 o clock & papa went along with them to Okawville to Ben Kuhn’s sale. Raining all afternoon. Mr. Justin Zipfel brought us our baby chicks, $8.50 – 269 $22.65, all nice; he told us that Bill Vogt’s brooder house burned down Thurs morning, 270 chicks & everything; coal oil burner they had..they had just put the chicks in on Wed. night & 2:30 everything was allright, & when they woke up, it was burning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, came about 5 o’clock; the sale was postponed till Wed; to much rain, there also. So many people sick in bed with bad colds, fever, & headaches; especially the children of the Public School here, its one than the other. Eggs are 18¢ by Eichenseer’s this afternoon.
Friday, March 15, 1935
Cleaned kitchen, got letter from Alice saying everything is O.K. so went to Waterloo this afternoon, paper fixed out, ready to sent to her, for to sign; $15.00 & expense here, for ground, what lies on the north side of road, joining ours. A kid around selling household articles. Went out to the cemetery fixed, Louise grave, it had sunk down, 12 buckets ground in it; so many are down. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she went to church; they & Oscar Birkner’s were at Ronnenberg’s last night. Ivo Buehler’s birthday yesterday.
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