Cleaned, baked; patched. Pap went to Waterloo to get 25 lbs. purina feed see if we can help our chicks, from dying, they at least eat now, crapo [? – unclear] got something in them, he also attended the funeral of Miss Hattie Grosse & seen Wetzlers also, he was buried at Maeystown & she was at Waterloo church & cemetery, an awful crowd people couldn’t all get in church. Wagners has Buettner, at his parlor now. Pap got mower parts from Eichenseer & fix the mower & cut grass around place & in front of house. Cloudy this eve.
Friday, March 31, 1939
Went to Belleville got new lawn mower. 14 in 5 blade rubber tires $6.68; went to Leo’s helped saw wood had them for dinner. Jake & John Mueth Kettler [? – unclear] Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, making garden. Egg 15 [cents].
Saturday, Aug. 20, 1938
Pap went to Waterloo to see The Eddy place being sold by McDermott the heirs. Phil Mueth got it $2350.00 – 80 acres almost $30. @ acre; him & Geo. Schiling were the bidders. Went to Maeystown this eve. to see Louis Schilling had a mower for sale, sold it yesterday for $10.00, just were to late; stopped at Henry’s .
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