Leap year. Papa went in the woods all day. Wagners got 1 lb. butter & cheese. Renncker, 1 lb. butter, 1 pt. cheese, Lauts ½ butter, 1 pt. cheese. Henry stopped in he got crushing done. Eggs dropped again 21¾¢ on radio. Beautiful day. There was a sale at Ruma, painted dishes, lot of furniture & license. Good radio nite.
Friday, March 4, 1932
Today is Eddy Brand’s birthday in Albama [sic]. We set 3 hens last night & the incubator. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped to quilt, & he worked in there garden. Bertille was over at Renneckers to get the paper to see about Hy. Frischkorn having sale tomorrow. There was a man around trying to sell chicken medicine, we didn’t buy any. the Eicheneseer’s boys was down & looked at our little pigs & chickens. Seen in the Waterloo paper that Emil Querheim had twins a boy & a girl born 9 clock on Feb. 29 leap year, they have 4 – 2 boys & 2 girls. Alois Havey have a child born in the hospital at St. Louis & Hy. Eichleman Jr. have a little boy, the first born.
Monday, Feb. 29, 1932
Papa went out to help Henry sewed oats, 29 bus. they sewed, he was there for dinner. We washed, ironed, patched, planted 2 lbs. onion sets, radishes, peas & lettuce, made garden. Albert Tomphson was here this evening & got 25 doz. eggs at 16¢ to set, he took it out to Geo. Roths & getting them hatched. Bertille took some flowers up to Mamie for her to plant out.
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