Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, he helped load hogs went along to Belleville had 3 – 4% lbs. $10.60, had dinner. Bert helped for pinic [sic]. They have Catholic Church pinic [sic] today chicken supper. We went up this eve. had nice crowd. Bert won $2.45 bluey stand. Skaers, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn furnished music. The prizes were raffled to $10.00 New Baden; 100 lbs. sugar, Louis Schoenborn, Paderborn, quilt – Belleville, Aladin [sic – Aladdin] Lamp to Mrs. Geo. Klein Paderborn, 100 lbs. flour – Schmidt Pete of Waterloo, 17 piece water set, Leister mail carrier Waterloo, 50 lbs. flour Belleville 24 lb. flour Atella [?] Rheinhardt. Bed Spread & pillow slip Belleville.
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, August, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: aladdin_lamp, Anton, Belleville, Bluey, Brand, card_games, Catholic_Church_Picnic, church_picnic, Hecker_picnic, hogs, Klein, Leister, Leo, New_Baden, Orlet, Paderborn, prizes, prize_winners, raffles, Rheinhardt, Schmidt, Schoenborn, Skaer, St._Augustine _Church, Waterloo
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