The soap got nice. Bert finished cleaning upstairs, all but washing curtains yet. Pap took dinner along went out in woods with wagon. Sewed some more lettuce, radish & tomatoe [sic] seed, the garden is rather wet. Some guys here from Valmeyer looking for old iron. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he bought ½ bu. timothy seed 10¢ lb. Mertz has a new electric refrigator [sic] in store, its a dandy. Wheat $1.40. Mrs. Caroline Deueker sold some ground to Geo. Erle seen in paper. also Dr. Pautler bought Kropp land & Chas. Lenhardt place that was sold public auction last Sat. brought $4,986 – 100 acres by Geo. Biffar. Leo & Rose & Mr. Orlet came this evening, also Henry & family. Mertz gave Leo a dripolator for wedding present, its nice; 8 cup size.
Tuesday, June 25, 1935
We all went out to Henry’s, had lunches & dinner, finished cutting wheat & moved to Hecker, about 5:30, then it started in raining so they couldn’t cut any more this evening. We helped to wash & iron, took 2 quilts along & had them washed. Henry & family were all up here for supper. Lester Gregson had a misfortune about 2 weeks ago, ran over his youngest boy Virgil, right over the leg, it wasn’t broke are nothing serious, swollen, brusied [sic] a little, but is alright now again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, it started to get cloudy; they went home. Some real talk at Waterloo at present, the women folks started in fighting Mrs. Fred Miller hit Mrs. Louis Kolmier (Lenhardt) went to court & the fined is not less then $15.00 & no more than $50.00 they say it went so quick.
Friday, Sept. 22, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, took some tomatoes along, & got wheat & milk. We are cooking catsup & pear preserve. The hard road gang are up at Gus Keckritz’s now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Chas. Jung brought the balance what he owed us. News from the Times, Louis Lenhardt sold his property to Hy. Eichelman Sr, who will now be residents of Waterloo, & Lenhardt bought P & H Lumber Co. house.
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1932
Papa is hauling wood again today. Bertille went along out to Henry’s a little while. Louis Lenhardt girl Ester, 25 yr. old died Sun. from T.B. & will be buried this afternoon at 2 o clock at Waterloo. Papa & Henry where both up to get whey, but neither could get any, they aren’t marking no casein today. They had to have the milk for ice cream. Papa & Rosalia took the mule out to Henry’s. Bertille went up to Eichenseer’s corner. They said up there that Edna Wacthel was going to Waterloo Catholic School this year. Mr. Jung was here & got 20 doz. eggs, 15¢. We went over to George Wagners a little while this evening.
Monday, Sept. 8, 1930
Today is Cletus Buehler’s birthday. Leona called up this afternoon to come out this evening and peel apples. So we went out. The rest helping present were, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle & Rayomond & 2 Lenhardts boys, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reheis & family, Joe Geodelle & wife, Dan Geodelle & family, Edna Geodelle & husband & children from St. Louis, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Birkner. We peeled 4 bus. of apples. We found 16 eggs today.
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